The People's Bailout for Food

The Leap

I am thrilled to share that today The Leap is launching the next phase of The People’s Bailout: Food. 

Since the pandemic, food bank use has increased 70%, especially among Black, Indigenous and racialized communities. At the same time, migrant farm workers are getting sick and dying, denied the protections they need and the rights they deserve.  

As the government reawakens the economy, we must challenge corporate control of food and invest in farming that restores the land, protects biodiversity, and promotes the health and well-being of us all.

Check out The People’s Bailout for Food

We have worked with allies across the food system to gather these political demands, and map them across the stages of a Just Recovery - from the ongoing emergency, through the economic stimulus and support in which governments are turning on the spending taps, into a true re-imagining of our society, based on values of care and repair.

Here is what we need to do that.

We kicked off the launch of this next phase with a webinar featuring some of most visionary thinkers and advocates in the food justice community: 

Raj Patel, Dawn Morrison, Paul Taylor and Evelyn Encalada Grez joined Avi Lewis to talk about how to make sense of this current moment and how to move from a world of food scarcity towards one of food sovereignty for all. 

I have heard from many people that it was one of the most inspiring and insightful webinars we have ever hosted. If you missed it, be sure to watch the recording here.

The moment is ripe to reimagine our food system. 

Together, we can build a new system that respects Indigenous sovereignty, treats producers with dignity, reconnects us to the nurturing power of the earth, and celebrates true diversity – from crops to cultures.

Read and share The People’s Bailout for Food and let’s get started.