Climate Action Provincial Assembly (CAPA)

Note: This is an online event.

 more details here:,meet%20three%20times%20a%20year.

Next CAPA: Saturday September 16th, 10am-noon

Let’s Come Together to Build Solidarity!


When: Saturday September 16th, 10am-noon PDT

Where: On zoom, register here:,meet%20three%20times%20a%20year.

What: This CAPA, we will focus on building solidarity with other progressive movements to learn from each other and find shared paths forward.

We face a relentlessly urgent climate crisis, and at the same time, people are struggling with poverty, housing, racism, colonization and other social justice issues, many of which have intersecting roots and solutions with climate. WE-CAN has 240+ member organizations who are working to create a safe climate for all. By learning about each other’s concerns, and building solidarity, we can all be stronger.

After a welcome, the event will start by hearing from Climate Justice advocate, movement builder and artist Anjali Appadurai. Anjali will speak about the importance of intersectionality and building solidarity between movements for justice.

The remainder of the CAPA will consist of Break-Out Groups focused on building solidarity in six realms:

  • Labour and the Climate Crisis
  • Poverty and Housing in the Climate Crisis
  • Climate and Racial Justice
  • Climate and Indigenous Justice
  • Faith and the Climate Crisis
  • Stopping Fossil Fuel Finance

Each group will begin with short presentations by activists for change, followed by a facilitated discussion to seek specific ways in which we can support each other.

We recognize that there are many movements that are important to work alongside. We hope these 6 topics are only the beginning of building more solidarity between BC’s climate movements and those working on intersecting movements for justice.

What is a CAPA?


The Climate Action Provincial Assemblies are a participatory forum where leading members of BC’s climate action groups meet together to develop mutually supportive plans for the future. We intend that the Assembly will meet three times a year.

WE-CAN’s four CAPA’s have been an opportunity for fellow climate activists and members of climate groups to meet each other, learn about current campaigns, and work together to make our campaigns stronger and more effective. The last CAPA in April, 2023 included two rounds of Breakout Groups on 14 climate campaigns and initiatives.  We hope the CAPAs provide the hope and connection that is so needed in this moment, as well as the practical space to coordinate and scheme for what’s next.

WE-CAN Has Two Requests for Our Members:

  1. Can you choose 1-3 or more people to attend the assemblies and report back? In this way we can build a democratic assembly and share the work together. 
  2. Would a member of your group be willing to join WE-CAN’s CAPA Planning Team? If you are interested, please email


Saturday, September 16, 2023 - 10:00