Frack Off Fortis: Hands Off City Hall

Oct. 22 at 6 pm - Nov. 5 at 5 pm
Vancouver City Hall
Duration: 14 days
Friends Ashley Zarbatany's friends on Facebook
FortisBC and the fracked gas industry have been waging a war on our democracy by interferring in local governments in order to stop them from taking concrete climate action. They have waged expensive misinformation and greenwashing campaigns wasting ratepayers money in order to spin a web of lies about their dirty fracked gas.
There's nothing natural about benzene contaminated fracked gas and it shouldn't be in our homes. We have better solutions to using their toxic gas but they want to keep hooking us up and they're determined to stop any climate plan that gets in the way of their bottom line.
Nowhere is their interference more evident than in the recent motion put forward by Vancouver city council member Brian Montague to reverse their climate action plan and allow new buildings to be heated with fracked fossil gas.
This, during a climate emergency... (gives head a shake)
So, we're fighting back! When this vote comes before council, we're going to show up en masse to make sure councillors know that we will not let them roll back progress.
We need climate action now! Get dirty fracked gas out of our homes! We have easy climate solutions, now we just need real climate leaders.
So, please bring your friends and spread the word. The more people who show up to this important city council meeting, the better. Let's fill the whole room and show them that we demand real climate action! And tell Fortis to frack off!
****IMPORTANT NOTE: The date and time of this meeting is still unknown, so please hit attending so that you will get the update when we know the actual time and place!
Thank you and see you there!
Tuesday, October 22, 2024 - 18:00