GAZA UNDER BOMBING AGAIN: Vancouver March Sat Dec 2 |

Tomorrow, Saturday, Dec. 2, we will be out on the streets for Palestine for the major MASS RALLY AND MARCH. (There are also some pre-events, from an Indigo books picket to a bike rally!) 



Saturday, December 2

3 pm

Vancouver Art Gallery

The bombs are dropping on Gaza again at the hands of the Israeli occupation regime. Thousands and thousands have taken the streets each week to demand justice for Palestine. Last week, thousands marched, led by children, right here in Vancouver, and a massive march took over the streets of Ottawa in a national march and rally. Let's make our numbers bigger and stronger than ever! 


Let's keep up the pressure and make our voices louder and bigger than ever to end the genocide and end Canadian complicity in Zionist war crimes. Join us to rally, to march for Palestinian liberation, from the river to the sea!


Here are two events happening in advance of the rally and march -- join them and then join us at the Art Gallery! 

Protest and Boycott of Indigo Books

Sat. Dec. 2, 12: 30 pm, Indigo Books, 1033 Robson Street -- then join us at the Art Gallery! (Note, this is an older poster version that says 2 pm -- the major march and rally will officially begin at 3, but feel free to join us early!)


Saturday Dec. 2, starting at 12 pm at Science World, with stops at Vanier Park at 12:45 pm, and English Bay at 1:30 pm, before arriving at the Vancouver Art Gallery at approximately 2 pm! Join the Bike Rally before the March and Rally!

Saturday, December 2, 2023 - 15:00