Labour Day Rally in Vancouver change to online event

[Note: This was originally planned as an inperson event but has been changed.]


The link to the online Labour Day rally is

Please let me know by Sunday if you would like one of your group to speak and who it is so I can.inform the chair person. My sincere apologies for cancelling the outdoor rally. The organizers became concerned with significantly higher levels of covid in our area  and did not want to create a spreader event.4

The issues we are emphasizing are:
End Gig Jobs. Fair wages, full benefits  and  union rights for all. End fake  contract work
4 days’ work for 5 days pay and  benefits to  fight job losses through , automation, job export,  pandemic and economic recession
Defund, disarm and dismantle the police armies. Use the savings to fund the social work and mental health work including legalization of drugs.
Nationalize the beleaguered wood industry under workers control and build high quality public housing to end the housing crisis in BC
Giver workers' kids a chance. Free post-secondary education and cancel student debt. 
Facing pandemic, increasing pollution and other unsafe job conditions, workers must have the right to refuse unsafe work without fear of reprisal
We  invite you to emphasize whatever you like.
In Solidarity with Labour and Ecosocialism
Gary Porter, Organizer
Socialist Action BC
250 589 3650 for voice and text
Monday, September 7, 2020 - 14:00