Leo Panitch School - Major Event Announcement - Special Guest Lecture Coming Oct 20

This event has been cancelled. 

“We as a left must build a politics of broad, working-class solidarity to defeat fascism either now or farther down the road than we can currently envision.”

Amidst an unfolding environmental crisis and a lack of faith in public institutions, fascist and anti-democratic movements continue to gain political ground, both at home and abroad. How can working class movements respond to these fundamental threats? How can we bring working people together behind a real alternative that can challenge the dominant politics of division and distrust?
To speak to this pressing topic, The Leo Panitch School for Socialist Education is thrilled to host Adolph Reed Jr. for a very special guest lecture, THE FASCIST THREAT: What it Means for Working Class Politics. 

Adolph Reed Jr. has been involved in working class politics for half a century. He is Professor Emeritus of Political Science at the University of Pennsylvania. He is the editor and author of several books on the relationship between class and racism. His writing and opinion pieces have appeared in academic journals and popular magazines including The Progressive, The Village Voice, The New Republic, The Nation, Dissent, and nonsite.org.  His latest book is No Politics but Class Politics (Eris Press, 2023), co-authored with Walter Benn Micheals. 
Register Today!
The event will take place on Friday October 20 from 7:00-8:30pm at Trinity-St- Paul’s United Church in Toronto. The lecture and audience Q&A will be followed by a social hour and refreshments in the adjoining gymnasium. 

Note that this event will be available via livestream for those unable to attend in-person. 4 pm PDT
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In the meantime, please don't forget to check out our other events coming up next Tuesday and Wednesday!

System Change: An ecosocialist discussion on environmental crisis

FilmSocial Presents: The Killing Floor

In Solidarity,

The Leo Panitch School for Socialist Education
The Leo Panitch School emerged in 2023, at a moment when popular frustrations abound over inequality, the narrowing of democracy, the squandering of human potential, and the ever-clearer reality of impending environmental catastrophe. It’s in this context that we strive to provide radical, accessible, and practical educational programming for those seeking to better understand and address the crisis of our current times. Visit us at LeoPanitchSchool.ca to learn more and to sign up to receive updates regarding future public events and courses.
Friday, October 20, 2023 - 16:00