Power Up Vancouver for climate solutions - 350.org
See details here: https://act.350.org/event/global-power-up/25812
2023-11-04, 11:00
CBC Vancouver
Vancouver, British Columbia, V6B 4A2, Canada
Vancouver, British Columbia, V6B 4A2, Canada
On November 4th, weeks before Canada joins another round of UN Climate Negotiations, we are rising up to call on our leaders to Power Up a 100% renewable energy future. With every passing day, the ballooning cost of the Trans Mountain pipeline is diverting precious public funds that could instead go towards funding a clean energy future that works for people and the planet. That’s why, we’re rising up with a message for our decision makers to fund “Panels not Pipelines” and “Turbines not Tar Sands.” It’s time to make Big Oil Pay Up so that we can Power Up an affordable, electric, renewable future for all.
Saturday, November 4, 2023 - 11:00