Sit in at the offices of Environment & Climate Change Minister Catherine McKenna and Transport Minister Marc Garneau



Right now, community members in Ottawa and Montreal are sitting in at the offices of Environment & Climate Change Minister Catherine McKenna and Transport Minister Marc Garneau calling on them to publicly oppose the Kinder Morgan tar sands pipeline. Already, from the sit in at Minister McKenna’s office, I spoke over the phone with the Minister, and, during the call, she criticized Kinder Morgan CEO, Ian Anderson, for comments he made yesterday denying the science of climate change. But, simply disagreeing with climate deniers isn’t enough - we need politicians like Minister McKenna and Minister Garneau to stand up to big oil and publicly oppose the Kinder Morgan pipeline.

You can show your support with those of us sitting in at these offices. Click here and call the offices of these Ministers in support of the sit ins and demand for the Ministers to make a public statement against the Kinder Morgan pipeline.

These sit-ins come just a day after similar actions took place in the offices of Natural Resource Minister Jim Carr and Indigenous Affairs Minister Carolyn Bennett. Yesterday, people sitting in Minister Bennett’s office in Toronto forced her to make a statement on the Indigenous resistance to the Kinder Morgan pipeline on the phone -- an unprecedented moment. These actions also fall and less than two weeks after 99 students were arrested on Parliament Hill. All of these actions have one common thread: people all across Canada are publicly confronting Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and this government demanding a rejection of the Kinder Morgan tar sands pipeline. 

Add your voice to this chorus of disapproval. Click here to call Minister McKenna and Minister Garneau.

We know that climate leaders don’t, in fact can’t, build new tar sands pipelines. And together, we can make sure the government hears loud and clear that it’s not just in BC, but all across Canada where people are looking at them to make the right decision and reject the Kinder Morgan tar sands pipeline.

As I sit in here at the office of Environment and Climate Change Minister in Ottawa, I draw motivation from knowing that you and thousands of others are standing behind us in the fight for a just future.



P.S. You can follow live updates on these actions using the #KMSitIn hashtag.