Feminist International: How to Change Everything - Webinar

Friday, 11 December 2020 from 12:00 PST-13:30 PST
Register here to receive a personalized Zoom link to join the webinar: https://berkeley.zoom.us/.../WN_ZqmGrY4_Ts64Nh4CAV9P0w
"Feminist International: How to Change Everything," with Judith Butler (UC Berkeley), Susana Draper (Princeton), Verónica Gago (UNSAM; Ni Una Menos; UBA), Ruth Wilson Gilmore (CUNY Graduate Center), Moderated by Natalia Brizuela (UC Berkeley).
Join the International Consortium of Critical Theory Programs and Verso Books for a conversation on Verónica Gago’s Feminist International, which draws on the author’s rich experience with radical movements to enter into ongoing debates in feminist and Marxist theory: from social reproduction and domestic work to the intertwining of financial and gender violence, as well as controversies surrounding the neo-extractivist model of development, the possibilities and limits of left populism, and the ever-vexed nexus of gender-race-class. Gago’s feminism is a powerful call to abandon the rhetoric of victimisation, and to instead mount a frontal challenge to both neoliberal rule and the conservative counteroffensive. Feminist International asks what another theory of power might look like, one premised on our desire to change everything.
More information can be found on the ICCTP website here: https://criticaltheoryconsortium.org/.../feminist.../
Co-presented by the International Consortium of Critical Theory Programs and Verso Books, with support from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the Vice Chancellor for Research at the University of California, Berkeley. 
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Friday, December 11, 2020 - 12:00