Turn up the heat on Premier David Eby: Rally against fracking - Rally

Event location
David Eby's Constituency Office, 2909 W Broadway, Vancouver BC

Turn up the heat on Premier David Eby: Rally against fracking

Image of community activists holding a banner that reads: Don't Frack our Future!
Community Activists in Kitsilano

In his first speech as BC's incoming premier, David Eby correctly stated: 

"We cannot continue to expand fossil fuel infrastructure and hit our climate goals."

We could not agree more. But sadly, a politician's words do not always match their actions. Since taking office, Premier Eby has continued to expand fossil fuel infrastructure by approving new fracked methane gas projects, such as CedarLNG. There are another five LNG mega projects waiting for his government's approval or rejection. If Premier Eby is serious about fighting climate change, his choice should be clear: reject new LNG projects and end fracking in BC.  

Join other concerned community members for a spirited rally outside of David Eby's office to demand he makes the right choice.

After the rally, we'll head to JJ Bean's across the street for a coffee and then we'll go out to knock on some doors in the area nearby to gather signatures on our petition to end fracking. Come join us for an afternoon of fun and activism! 

Friday, July 28, 2023 - 12:00