Striking for Palestine: Trade Union Solidarity to End the Genocide

Monday June 17, 2024, 6.30pm British Time/8.30pm Palestine time, 10:30 am Vancouver time.

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Since the start of Israel genocide in Gaza, workers and trade unions around the world have mobilised for Palestine in a number of ways. Actions have been organised at arms factories, transport workers have refused to handle arms and unions have issued statements committing to not be complicit in Israel’s crimes. More recently, education unions in the US have begun organising strike action in solidarity with the Palestinian people.

How have workers around the world mobilised over the past months in response to the Palestinian workers and trade unions call? How can these initiatives be built on to amplify and strengthen solidarity with Palestine? How can unions move from statements to action?

In this webinar, organised by Workers in Palestine, we will hear from workers and trade union activists from Belgium, Scotland and the US who have been at the heart of these mobilisations. They will provide firsthand accounts of the strategies they have employed organising and striking for Palestine, and discuss the path ahead to ending the genocide in Gaza.


  • Rafeef Ziadah is a Palestinian organiser with Workers in Palestine and a member of the University Colleges Union (UCU) in Britain.
  • Marion Lieutaud is a grassroots union organiser based in Edinburgh, Scotland. Marion organises with various groups including Workers for a Free Palestine.
  • Nelis Jespers is union organiser in the ACV-CSC trade union in Belgium, where he organises in the higher education sector. He will speak about his work as well as actions by Belgian aviation workers refusing to transport Israeli arms.
  • Isabel Kain is a UC Santa Cruz (California, US) graduate worker in astronomy and astrophysics. She has been organising for Palestine with UAW 4811 and Researchers Against War (RAW).
  • Jack Davies is a graduate worker in the History of Consciousness at UC Santa Cruz (and former Unit Chair of UAW 4811 on that campus).
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Monday, June 17, 2024 - 16:30