Why Canada needs Guaranteed Livable Basic Income

Thursday Sept 18th from 16:00-17:30

Green Party MP Paul Manly (Nanaimo-Ladysmith), in collaboration with Coalition Canada: Basic Income, is hosting a national town hall on Guaranteed Livable Basic Income with a panel of experts who will explain the basics, talk about the benefits, and break down some myths and misunderstandings. We’ll also hear from Canadians who will speak about guaranteed livable basic income from their personal experiences.

Register Now - https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_LhSFdmXqSdWRtkJMUk4rvA

Panelists: Senator Kim Pate, Dr. Evelyn Forget (University of Manitoba), Dr. Tracy Smith-Carrier (King’s University College at Western University), Dr. Robert Case (Renison University College) and Monkia Ciolek.

Live simultaneous French translation will be provided.


Le député du Parti vert Paul Manly (Nanaimo-Ladysmith), en collaboration avec Coalition Canada : Revenu de base, organise une assemblée publique nationale sur le revenu minimum garanti avec un groupe d'experts qui expliquera les principes de base, parlera des avantages et dissipera certains mythes et malentendus. Nous entendrons également deux Canadiens qui parleront du revenu minimum garanti à partir de leurs expériences personnelles.

Enregistrez-Vous - https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_LhSFdmXqSdWRtkJMUk4rvA

Panélistes : Sénatrice Kim Pate, Dre Evelyn Forget (Université du Manitoba), Dre Tracy Smith Carrier (King's University College à l'Université Western), Dr Robert Case (Renison University College) et Monkia Ciolek.

Une traduction simultanée en français sera disponible en direct.


Friday, September 18, 2020 - 16:00