CGL destroys Gidimt'en Archeological site. Gidimt'en Checkpoint makes urgent callout for support on the ground.

First Nations leaders

Sept. 27, 2021

Update from @Yintah_Access on Instagram

"Gidimt’en Checkpoint spokesperson Sleydo’ confronts archeologists

CW: Aggressive security block and inditimadated Indigenous woman.

On September 22, Gidimt'en Checkpoint spokesperson Sleydo’ attempted to monitor the destruction of an ancestral site, as it was destroyed by Coastal GasLink pipeline workers. She was met with physically aggressive and intimidating CGL security guards.

For the past week, Coastal Gaslink has fallen trees and used excavators to destroy Ts’elkay Kwe, an ancient village site that they call GbSs-8.

CGL security ( counselled the archeologists from Ecofor not to discuss the work or accept the Cease and Desist letter that was previously emailed to the company via Stacey McConnell ( They blocked access to Sleydo’ which is a direct violation of their Environmental Assessment Certificate (

The work continues today as we hear constant chain saw work and extended helicopter flights taking place over the archeological site.

Our ancestors are under attack. Our people are under attack. Once they have completed this devastating work they will move to drill under our sacred headwaters, Wedzin Kwa.

Come to camp and organize where you stand. We will never give up. Join us."
Gidimt'en Checkpoint is calling for supporters on the ground. Apply at

The Unist'ot'en Healing Center is also seeking long term supporters for Fall work. Apply at

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