Call out from Gidimt'en Checkpoint posted on Yintah Acces Instagram:
Cas Yikh of the Gidimt’en Clan are counting on supporters to go ALL OUT in a mobilization for the biggest battle yet to protect our sacred headwaters, Wedzin Kwa. We have remained steadfast in our fight for self-determination, and we are still unceded, undefeated, sovereign and victorious.
We are humbled by the power of our allies, friends and supporters. We have love, respect, and gratitude for those that stood their ground beside us on the yintah to defend Wedzin Kwa. We vow to reciprocate the solidarity from everyone that followed, all our allies/relatives and supporters that put their feet in the street defending Indigenous sovereignty.
Now, we need you to rise up again.
October 9th-15th 2021, go #AllOutForWedzinKwa.
Full action callout
Full Summary of Recent Events
Take Action Resource Page
Update from Yintah Access Instagram today: RCMP ENTER COYOTE CAMP
"The CIRG (Community-Industry Response Group) have been in to Coyote Camp everyday. Yesterday they came in and were violent towards our Yintah security, joked about genocide and that they can’t wait to see it on social media.
We also have reports from the ground that the officers are hiding their identities, not showing or giving badge numbers and from the video we can see are not wearing masks or practising social distancing.
They are blatantly threatening violence against our people and clearly do not care who sees or knows. They relish it. This is what these CIRG officers live for. Remember they applied to be a part of this group specifically designed to remove Indigenous people out of the way of industry. The same group that are invading at Fairy Creek and Tiny House Warriors frontlines.
Tomorrow is day one of the call out for a week of Solidarity Action! Please organize where you are, come to camp, make noise and raise hell!
Go to for more info. |
Recent Solidarity Actions!
Beautiful Solidarity Action from organizers in Japan! |
Update from Chief Woos posted on Yintah Access Instagram Yesterday
"Dinï ze’ Woos ceremonially welcomes supporters at “Coyote Camp” and speaks of the history of this territory.
Our people have been protecting our territory and children for thousands of years. We are stronger than CGL and the RCMP. We have our ancestors with us, the yintah, and Wedzin Kwa support us.
"There might be momements where you will be feeling a lot of fear because these people will be coming with guns pointed at you. But always remember our ancestors will be standing right beside you." -Dini ze' Woos
We are ready. We ask you to join us. For more info go to
Organize. Resist. Win.
Powerful Video of Wet'suweIt'en gathering at occupation site
"We Fight for Our Children
Wedzin Kwa belongs to our children.
For over 50 years, Wet’suwet’en children were taken from the land, from their families, and from Wedzin Kwa to attend residential schools. These “schools” were not to empower us, but to take the Indian, to take the Wet’suwet’en, out of the child. Many did not return and those who survived have fought for our right to all that we had been robbed of – land, language, culture, pride. Today, we continue to face state violence from governments and industry who still want our land to themselves. Their plans to eradicate us however, have failed and we are still here!
Every day we remember. We carry that pain, that strength, and we work to rebuild our pride, to rebuild our nations and reconnect with our lands.
On September 30th, we came together in a day of remembrance to honour the children, to remind ourselves that we will never give up/be defeated."
OriginallyPosted on Yintah Access Instagram |