Keep up the momentum for paid sick days for ALL!

Retail Action Network
Retail Action logo
The week of action was a success and the pressure is working. Thank you for participating!

Hundreds of folks took action on July 18th across the country. The Retail Action Network and the Employment Standards Coalition in BC participated with $15 and Fairness in Ontario in demanding permanent paid sick days for all. Click here to see some photos from across the country.

The federal government announced 10 days of temporary paid leave related to Covid-19 for workers currently without employer-paid sick days. This announcement reveals that the federal government acknowledges that workers need paid sick days.  

Although the announcement is a good start, it is not enough. Workers need permanent paid sick days under the BC Employment Standards Act where the right to paid sick days will have a lasting effect and be protected

Here is an Op-Ed that Kailtlyn, RAN’s Executive Director, and David, Co-Chair of the Employment Standards Coalition collaborated on in response and for more information on the federal government’s announcement of the pan-Canadian sick day program

Stay tuned for what's next on August 29th for another day of action!