5 Just Stop Oil Supporters Found Guilty As UN Slams Trial
Five Just Stop Oil supporters were convicted of conspiracy to cause public nuisance at Southwark Crown Court today for planning to disrupt the M25 by climbing motorway gantries in November 2022, to demand an end to new oil and gas licensing, a demand that has just been met by the incoming Labour government. [1][2]
As we return from another hot and smoke-filled summer of unnatural disasters, let us admit that we are in our own form of denial. This piece may upset some friends and colleagues, including people I greatly admire. But perhaps it is time to concede that, in the face of an escalating catastrophe, we are stuck in a rinse-and-repeat cycle that is simply not working.
Thousands of anti-fascists mobilised to face down fascist groups threatening immigration lawyers and mosques in cities across Britain on August 7. This followed widespread fascist rioting on August 4, which included attacks on the lodgings of asylum seekers, mosques, and Black people and Asians, who in some cases were pulled from their cars and beaten.
Towering cranes pierce the sky, contrasting with the rural surroundings. It’s an early morning in June, the air already gauzy and thick, and construction is humming at the Toyota Battery mega-site in Liberty, North Carolina.
Trucks and other heavy machines dart in and out of the complex. A line of food trucks is tucked around the corner, alongside a dozen tour buses used to move workers.