Protest - Revolt

Chloe Veltman
Activists from Extinction Rebellion, left and center, protest during a performance of An Enemy of the People on Broadway, starring Jeremy Strong, right. Extinction Rebellion NYC

Apr. 5, 2024

There's a scene in Henrik Ibsen's 1882 drama An Enemy of the People that takes place at a public meeting. The residents of a spa town are trying to prevent a local doctor, Dr. Stockmann, from telling the truth about a factory that's polluting the local water supply.

Jonny Humphries, BBC News, Manchester
Brandalism targeted adverts promoting Shell's sponsorship of British Cycling

May 15, 2024

An activist group has pasted its own artworks over billboards and bus-stops promoting oil company Shell's sponsorship of British Cycling.

Brandalism said the campaign was over what it said was Shell's recent decision to "row back" on climate pledges.

Some billboards show a cyclist drinking oil from a Shell-branded bottle.

Shell said the "misleading" adverts "completely mischaracterised" its partnership.

Peter Fairley
Melanie Murray, left, Howard Breen, centre, and lawyer Joey Doyle, right, at Nanaimo Law Courts last August, where they were allowed to argue a ‘defence of necessity’ for engaging in civil disobedience to protest the climate crisis. Photo by Peter Fairley.

May 3, 2024

A Nanaimo judge ruled today that the peril of climate change is insufficient in justifying the duo’s actions.

Eugene Kung, Staff Lawyer
Protect the Inlet march - Mar. 10, 2028 - Ian MacKenzie

Today Trans Mountain commenced operations on its new expanded oil pipeline system (TMX). It is a solemn day for us at West Coast Environmental Law, as we have been part of the massive social movement opposing this megaproject for more than 10 years, fighting for climate action, land and water protection, and Indigenous self-determination. 

Raf Casert
Farmers Rebel in Europe, Far Right Stokes the Flames

Apr. 18, 2024

ANDEREN, Netherlands (AP) — Inside the barn on the flat fields of the northern Netherlands, Jos Ubels cradles a newborn Blonde d’Aquitaine calf, the latest addition to his herd of over 300 dairy cattle.

Little could be more idyllic.

Little, says Ubels, could be more under threat.

João Camargo and Leonor Canadas
Demonstration organized by the far right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party

We must resist the temptation to think that "Canada is different." The analysis and strategic points below definitely apply here, provincially and federally. Organizing our power to replace profit as the goal of society with democratic social and economic planning is the task before us.

      -- Gene McGuckin

Mar. 27, 2024

Brendan Montague
São Paulo, Brasil, June 11, 2013. Image: Gabriel Cabral / flickr. Creative Commons 2.0

A reposting of this article -

A deeper-than-usual dive into the need for strategies that go beyond petitions, lobbying, and small demos. Of course, this is just the beginning of a crucial discussion.

        -- Gene McGuckin


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