Protest - Revolt

Alex Cosh
Bob Rae - Photo credit: United Nations video screenshot.

Dec. 14, 2023

Good morning Maple readers. On Tuesday, Canada voted for a resolution at the UN General Assembly to call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, a move that human rights activists said shows the Trudeau government is finally listening to the demands of Palestine solidarity protests.

As we have reported, these protests have frequently been met unkindly by government officials and law enforcement services.

Damian Carrington
Cop28 was hosted by a petrostate, the United Arab Emirates, and run by the boss of its state oil company, Adnoc. Photograph: Giuseppe Cacace/AFP/Getty Images

Dec. 14, 2023

The absence of a ‘phase-out’ let petrostates off the hook, but there are other ways to end the era of coal, oil and gas

Petrostates fought fiercely against the call from 130 nations at Cop28 for a fossil fuel phase-out. That is because they are engaged in a colossal fossil fuel phase-up, already working on double the extraction that the planet can cope with.

Protect the Planet
Protect the Planet - logo

For Immediate Release

Dec 11, 2023

Land Defenders chain themselves to Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion (TMX) boring tunnel to protect sacred Secwépemc territory

Brent Patterson
Still from Brandi Morin video

Dec. 10, 2023


Open trench construction for the Government of Canada-owned Trans Mountain pipeline near Pipsell (Jacko Lake) is underway despite the opposition of land defenders.


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