
Richard Sandbrook
Let's Change - End Fossil Fuels Now

Jun. 30, 2024

You can have a scientifically rigorous diagnosis of climate change, together with a plethora of reasonable policies to tackle the problem, but if your program lacks a strong coalition and powerful political strategy, it will fail.

review by Paul Fleckenstein

Degrowth and revolutionary socialism

A review of Kohei Saito’s Slow Down: The Degrowth Manifesto

Phoebe Weston
Western chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus), which are a threatened species, in Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve in Guinea. Photograph: Nature Picture Library/Alamy

Apr. 3, 2024

Up to a third of Africa’s great apes are threatened by a boom in mining projects for minerals required for the renewable energy transition, new research shows.

João Camargo and Leonor Canadas
Demonstration organized by the far right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party

We must resist the temptation to think that "Canada is different." The analysis and strategic points below definitely apply here, provincially and federally. Organizing our power to replace profit as the goal of society with democratic social and economic planning is the task before us.

      -- Gene McGuckin

Mar. 27, 2024

Richard Fidler
bus lane photo - from

Mar. 20, 2024

Free Transit Ottawa (FTO) organized a public meeting on March 18 on the theme “Fighting Climate Change: Beyond the Carbon Tax.”

The event was cosponsored by a range of local climate-justice movements: Ecology Ottawa, Horizon Ottawa, Justice for Workers, Fridays for Future and CAWI (City for All Women Initiative).

Brendan Montague
São Paulo, Brasil, June 11, 2013. Image: Gabriel Cabral / flickr. Creative Commons 2.0

A reposting of this article -

A deeper-than-usual dive into the need for strategies that go beyond petitions, lobbying, and small demos. Of course, this is just the beginning of a crucial discussion.

        -- Gene McGuckin


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