There is a tendency in Canada to overlook the fact that Indigenous peoples are overwhelmingly working class.
Today is the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, a time not only to reflect on the genocide committed by the Canadian state against Indigenous peoples but also to think critically about the work of reconciliation in the present and future.
The government has dusted off a rarely used section of the Canada Labour Code and sought to pre-empt strikes.
Say what you want about the Liberal Government, but they certainly learn from their prior fumbles, at least when it comes to undermining the right to strike.
The China Shock Is Over—and More Tariffs Will Not Help Workers
Kamala Harris and Donald Trump have profoundly different visions for the future of the United States. They wildly diverge when it comes to social issues, such as abortion. They do not agree on whether to raise or cut taxes. And they could take U.S. foreign policy in opposing directions, especially when it comes to the country’s alliance with Europe.
A better deal for workers means politicians who will reinvest in community-strengthening programs, write the authors. Photo illustration via Shutterstock.
I reviewed the Democratic Party platform for 2024 and found something interesting: when it comes to economic policy, this year’s platform is less progressive and less ambitious than it was four years ago. Democrats have tacked right or retreated on health insurance reform, drug prices, Medicare and Social Security expansion, poverty, labor, taxes, Wall Street, and the minimum wage.