Labour - Unions

George Monbiot
 Illustration: Kingsley Nebechi/The Guardian

July 14, 2024

The focus on growth to ease the UK’s economic ills will not be nearly enough, but there is a way to raise the sums needed

Website editor: What is true in the UK is also relevant to Canada and elsewhere.

Adam Aton
Craig Cleve marches with members of the Chicago Teachers Union as they picket outside City Hall on July 2, 2015. Christian K. Lee/AP

June 14, 2024

Labor leaders see both practical and strategic benefits to bargaining over climate policy.

One of the country’s most powerful unions is bargaining for climate policy in its next contract.

The Chicago Teachers Union on Friday will open public contract negotiations with the city — and among its demands will be the union’s “green schools” initiative.

Marty Hart-Landsberg
STOP -  heat danger

July 21, 2024

We are in real trouble. Global carbon dioxide emissions (the main cause of global warming) continue to rise, hitting a new high in 2023. Last year was also the hottest in recorded history and, year by year, more Americans are feeling the consequences. Yet, we have seen only modest attempts to bring emissions down.

John Woodside
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau stands with Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland and Toronto Mayor Oliva Chow to announce the Canada Public Transit Fund, Photo via Trudeau/X

July 18, 2024

It’s the largest public transit investment in Canadian history, and advocates aren’t impressed

Public transit advocates are criticizing a $30-billion plan to improve public transportation unveiled by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Wednesday.

Richard Sandbrook
Let's Change - End Fossil Fuels Now

Jun. 30, 2024

You can have a scientifically rigorous diagnosis of climate change, together with a plethora of reasonable policies to tackle the problem, but if your program lacks a strong coalition and powerful political strategy, it will fail.

Harrison Dressler and Daniel Tubb
Book cover

Jun. 25, 2024

Adam Mahoney , CAPITALB
Miners carry bags of ore in the copper-cobalt Shabara artisanal mine near the town of Kolwezi, Lualaba, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, on June 20, 2023. ARLETTE BASHIZI / FOR THE WASHINGTON POST VIA GETTY IMAGES

May 27, 2024

Black transit activists in the US are calling attention to the plunder of the Congo for cobalt mining.

he story of “John Doe 1” of the Democratic Republic of the Congo is tucked in a lawsuit filed five years ago against several U.S. tech companies, including Tesla, the world’s largest electric vehicle producer.

Jerry Harris - Convergence

Apr. 27, 2024

Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL)
OFL logo
May 25, 2024

The Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) issued the following open letter to University of Toronto President Meric Gertler on Saturday, May 25, 2024 at 4:00 p.m. EDT. Download the letter here.

Dear President Gertler, 

Cloe Logan
Agricultural workers are affected by heat, and advocates say stronger regulations are needed to protect them. Photo by Ny Menghor via Unsplash

May 22, 2024

During an August heatwave in British Columbia last year, Ryan was in a mobile kitchen hovering over excruciatingly hot open flames, a deep fryer and a steel grill plate. He remembers the thermometer inside his work area hitting 50 C.



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