Labour - Unions

Kieran Delamont
CUPW Strile image

Dec. 5, 2024

Strikes by postal workers have paved the way for Canadians to enjoy maternity leave and job security. Now, they are fighting the casualization that threatens so many workers.

Huddled around fires on picket lines across the country, postal workers like myself are carrying a load that many Canadians aren’t aware of.

Graham Riches and Ian Marcuse
‘Why then is the government relying on charitable food banking to ensure the availability of food and the right to dignified access for low-income households and individuals?’ Photo via Shutterstock.

Dec. 3, 2024

Food insecurity is real, but here are some better solutions.

Alvin Finkel
A detail from a painting by Jean Froissart of Richard II meeting with the rebels of the Peasants’ Revolt of 1381. Image via Wikimedia.

Nov. 21, 2024

A quick history of common people rising up to make gains for justice and equality.

The Breach
6 ways Justin Trudeau is misleading Canadians about immigration - Fact checking

Nov. 20, 2024

6 ways Justin Trudeau is misleading Canadians about immigration

Justin Trudeau’s new immigration plan is a capitulation to Conservatives. Syed Hussan, executive director of the Migrants Workers Alliance for Change, breaks down every way Trudeau is misleading Canadians about immigration.

Watch video here.

Anchor 1: This is a big change.

Alexandria Shaner
The Green New Deal From Below - book cover

Nov. 24, 2024

Less than one week after a self-proclaimed dictator, climate change denier, and big oil-funded billionaire (among other equally impressive accolades) took the single most powerful political office in the world, it seems like a horrible time to release a book about the Green New Deal (GND).

Bernie Sanders
Supporters of Kamala Harris and Donald Trump campaigned outside a polling place in McAllen, Texas, on Nov. 5.Joel Martinez/Associated Press

Nov. 10, 2024

They can’t represent both.

The results of the 2024 election have confirmed a reality that is too frequently denied by Democratic Party leaders and strategists: The American working class is angry — and for good reason.

They want to know why the very rich are getting much richer, and the CEOs of major corporations make almost 300 times more than their average employees, while weekly wages remain stagnant and 60 percent of Americans live paycheck to paycheck.


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