Industry Spin

David Gelles
A data center in San Jose, Calif. A.I. is having a profound impact on energy demand around the world.Credit...Jim Wilson/The New York Times

July 11, 2024

The soaring electricity demands of data centers and A.I. are straining the grid in some areas, pushing up emissions and slowing the energy transition.

A few weeks ago, I joined a small group of reporters for a wide-ranging conversation with Bill Gates about climate change, its causes and potential solutions. When the topic turned to the issue of just how much energy artificial intelligence was using, Gates was surprisingly sanguine.

Marc Lee
How BC’s oil and gas industry sidestepped carbon pricing - illustration

Jun. 27, 2024

When BC first introduced a carbon tax in 2008 the point was to apply it to all emissions causing climate change, but start at a low rate and increase it over time. Yet, as the carbon tax has increased for households at the gas pump and to heat homes, large industrial players—including the oil and gas industry that is causing climate change—have steadily evaded their carbon tax.

Matt Simmons (Local Journalism Initiative Reporter) and Mike De Souza
B.C. Attorney General Niki Sharma has asked a provincial lobbying watchdog to look into claims of improper lobbying following leaked recording of internal TC Energy corporate presentations. Illustration: Shawn Parkinson / The Narwhal. Niki Sharma photo: Darryl Dyck / The Canadian Press. David Eby photo: Taylor Roades / The Narwhal

Jun. 26, 2024

B.C. Attorney General Niki Sharma has asked a provincial watchdog to look into a series of bold claims about how an executive at a Canadian oil and gas giant — and former BC NDP political staffer — claimed the company had leveraged political connections to persuade the provincial government to significantly weaken its environmental policies.

Geoff Dembicki
Imperial CEO Brad Corson appeared before a parliamentary committee this month. Credit: House of Commons

Jun. 27, 2024

The company has removed dozens of documents referencing the technology from its website following passage of a new anti-greenwashing law.

Exxon’s Canadian subsidiary Imperial Oil has deleted from its website a document in which its CEO and chairman Brad Corson claims to investors that carbon capture and storage is “critical” to achieving the “climate goals outlined in the Paris Agreement.” 

Evan Halper and Caroline O'Donovan
Microsoft hopes to generate power from atomic fusion and is partnering with Helion, which is testing prototypes at its headquarters in Everett, Wash. (Chona Kasinger for The Washington Post)

Jun. 21, 2024

As power needs of AI push emissions up and put big tech in a bind, companies put their faith in elusive — some say improbable — technologies.

The mighty Columbia River has helped power the American West with hydroelectricity since the days of FDR’s New Deal. But the artificial intelligence revolution will demand more. Much more.

John Woodside
Artwork by Ata Ojani / Canada's National Observer

Jun. 5, 2024

Since its launch in 2021, the Pathways Alliance has used a three-step greenwashing strategy to weaken and delay climate measures, according to new research from a leading international think tank.

According to U.K.-based InfluenceMap, the Pathways Alliance, which represents Canada’s largest fossil fuel companies responsible for 95 per cent of oilsands production, appears to use this three-step plan to keep profit margins of its members healthy as the global energy transition off fossil fuels unfolds.

Amanda Follett Hosgood
Claims made about LNG in wraparound ads that ran in major daily newspapers, including the Victoria Times Colonist, could not be substantiated by Ad Standards Canada, a leaked document reveals. Ads from the Times Colonist. Collage by The Tyee.

May 31, 2024

A regulating body found claims were misleading, but won’t be making its final ruling public.

Jonny Humphries, BBC News, Manchester
Brandalism targeted adverts promoting Shell's sponsorship of British Cycling

May 15, 2024

An activist group has pasted its own artworks over billboards and bus-stops promoting oil company Shell's sponsorship of British Cycling.

Brandalism said the campaign was over what it said was Shell's recent decision to "row back" on climate pledges.

Some billboards show a cyclist drinking oil from a Shell-branded bottle.

Shell said the "misleading" adverts "completely mischaracterised" its partnership.


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