
Bernard Marszalek

We are living in a time of dis-ease when the millions who are consistently working long hours pass by the millions of unemployed as ships in the night. The former, physically exhausted from overwork, share with the “chronically unemployed,” themselves psychically drained from months of fruitless search for work, the continuum of employment as the extremities – from none to too much. The most obvious solution – to share the work – never enters the popular discourse.

Sean Thompson

Green Left activist Sean Thompson says ecosocialists should leave the rightward-moving Green Party, and join the effort to build a new political party of the left in Britain. Sean Thompson is a founding member of Green Left, which describes itself as a an ecosocialist, anti-capitalist current within the Green Party of England and Wales. He published this open letter in his blog, Captain Jack, on October 13.

Chris Williams

When C&C published Chris Williams’ article Strategy and tactics in the environmental movement last month, we said that we hoped it would “promote a much-needed discussion on how to build the fight against climate change in particular, and against capitalist ecocide as a whole.” That’s just what has happened. For weeks it has been the most frequently read article in Climate & Capitalism, and many other websites have linked to it. Now, we’re pleased to publish a reply to Chris Williams by Sasha Ross is a member of the Earth First!


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