Environmental Groups

John Woodside
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau stands with Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland and Toronto Mayor Oliva Chow to announce the Canada Public Transit Fund, Photo via Trudeau/X

July 18, 2024

It’s the largest public transit investment in Canadian history, and advocates aren’t impressed

Public transit advocates are criticizing a $30-billion plan to improve public transportation unveiled by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Wednesday.

Chloe Veltman
Activists from Extinction Rebellion, left and center, protest during a performance of An Enemy of the People on Broadway, starring Jeremy Strong, right. Extinction Rebellion NYC

Apr. 5, 2024

There's a scene in Henrik Ibsen's 1882 drama An Enemy of the People that takes place at a public meeting. The residents of a spa town are trying to prevent a local doctor, Dr. Stockmann, from telling the truth about a factory that's polluting the local water supply.

John Woodside
Though there has been a slight decline in the number of fossil fuel-connected directors on the boards of Canada's Big Five banks in recent years, critics still raise concerns about the industry's influence. Art by Ata Ojani/Canada’s National Observer

May 21, 2024

Canada’s largest banks are deeply entrenched in fossil fuels, having pumped at least $1.2 trillion into the sector since the Paris Agreement was signed in late 2015. But it’s not just their investments and lending that are increasingly under scrutiny –– it’s their leadership, too.

Sierra Club BC
A natural gas well pad in northeastern B.C.'s Peace region, over the Montney Play, a shale gas formation. (Tara Carman/CBC)


May 3, 2024

Sierra Club BC calls for a pause on new fossil fuel projects as they threaten provincial, national and global climate goals

Eugene Kung, Staff Lawyer
Protect the Inlet march - Mar. 10, 2028 - Ian MacKenzie

Today Trans Mountain commenced operations on its new expanded oil pipeline system (TMX). It is a solemn day for us at West Coast Environmental Law, as we have been part of the massive social movement opposing this megaproject for more than 10 years, fighting for climate action, land and water protection, and Indigenous self-determination. 

Calvin Sandborn and Fraser Thomson
An aerial view of Teck Resources Elkview Mine in the east Kootenays. Selenium pollution from mining has left a legacy of impacts. prv

Apr. 23, 2024

Opinion: If government is not careful, it could saddle Canadian taxpayers with a multi-billion dollar liability — and an unsolved pollution catastrophe

“Clean up your own mess.” — Robert Fulghum, Everything I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten

Ottawa must soon decide whether to approve Glencore’s bid to buy Teck’s Elk Valley coal mines. If the government is not careful, it could saddle Canadian taxpayers with a multi-billion-dollar liability — and an unsolved pollution catastrophe.

Natasha Bulowski
Photo by Kris Krüg / Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Mar. 27, 2024

The federal government provided at least $18.5 billion to the fossil fuel and petrochemical industries last year, according to a new report by Environmental Defence.

The largest single subsidy was to Trans Mountain, which benefited from $8 billion in loan guarantees to try to get its nearly completed $35-billion pipeline expansion project to the finish line.

Susan Shain
Hop Hopkins, WildEarth Guardians’ new executive director. Photo by WildEarth Guardians

Mar. 27, 2024

This story was originally published by High Country News and appears here as part of the Climate Desk collaboration.


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