"By focusing on pressure campaigns against private actors with no direct effect on the fossil fuel industry, well-intentioned people inadvertently delay the necessary struggle to win and engage state power to phase out the extraction and production of fossil fuels.". . . . "Indeed, doing so buys into the neoliberal logic that government can do nothing when, in fact, only government can shut down the fossil fuel industry."
Demand for crucial energy transition materials is expected to increase four to six times from current levels by 2050, making it urgent to solve the social and environmental problems of mining, say advocates for a clean and just energy transition.
"Every LNG terminal that comes online risks locking in decades of avoidable climate pollution and environmental injustice."
Ahead of a planned global summit on the climate and environment in Japan, campaigners on Wednesday urged the Biden administration to resist pressure from Japanese officials to expand public investments in liquefied natural gas, which is derived from fracking and the drilling of oil and gas wells, warning that proponents have wrongly claimed the gas is a "clean" alternative to other fossil fuels.
Despite pledging to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions, Canada’s Big 5 banks have invested over $1 trillion in coal, oil and gas companies since 2016, upping the risk to the Canadian economy as the energy transition unfolds.
Indigenous leaders and climate advocates say they were met with the “highest insult” Wednesday as security guards turned them away from the main room of RBC's annual shareholder meeting in Saskatoon.
If found to have breached competition law, companies could theoretically face a fine of $9 billion.
The Pathways Alliance of oilsands companies has blanketed the country with a false advertising campaign designed to influence government and manipulate public support for the industry with the highest carbon emissions in Canada, according to a complaint filed with the Competition Bureau on Thursday.