Environmental Groups

Kai Nagata
Okanagan solar

Jan. 9, 2024

Major pipelines over budget, cancelled or facing fierce opposition

Just three days before Christmas, British Columbians received a surprise gift: a pipeline rejection. The BC Utilities Commission denied the application by FortisBC to build a $327 million gas pipeline in the fast-growing south Okanagan.

Paul Withers
Fisheries and Oceans Canada reduced commercial fish quotas and imposed shutdowns to rebuild depleted stocks in 2022. It shut down the spring herring fishery in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and slashed the herring quota off the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. (Robert F. Bukaty/The Associated Press)

Nov. 22, 2023

Major spending increases and policy changes by the federal government to protect and rebuild wild fish stocks in Canada have resulted in little improvement, according to the 2022 Fishery Audit released this week by environmental group Oceana Canada.

In its sixth annual audit, Oceana says fewer than one third of wild marine fish stocks in Canada are considered healthy and most critically depleted stocks lack plans to rebuild them.

Nelson Bennett
Artist's rendering of Ksi Lisims LNG, a floating LNG project proposed for the north end of Pearse Island snorth of Prince Rupert. | Submitted

Dec. 6, 2023

The Nisga’a Nation-backed Ksi Lisims LNG project appears to have sparked considerable pushback during a public comment period as part of the BC Environment Assessment Office’s review.

Whereas the Haisla Nations’ much smaller Cedar LNG project sailed through the environmental review process with just 16 written submissions, the Nisga’a Nation’s much larger project liquefied natural gas project – Ksi Lisims – generated more than 500 written comments, many of them anonymous, the bulk of them negative.

Mining Watch Canada
B.C. mining boom triggers new gold rush - https://bc.ctvnews.ca/b-c-mining-boom-triggers-new-gold-rush-1.956886

Yet another fairly basic requirement for democratic decision-making which is being steadfastly ignored by "our government."

      -- Gene McGuckin

Nov. 27, 2023

Environmental groups call on the BC government to deliver on its long-delayed promise to establish a public participation funding program for environmental assessments

Seth Klein
Illustration by Ata Ojani for Canada's National Observer

Nov. 20, 2023

Sigh. So, once again, the carbon tax — only ever a meagre climate measure — is sucking up all the political and media oxygen at the expense of other more systemic and bold changes. It now appears we are destined to spend the next federal election, quite likely next year’s British Columbia election and possibly other forthcoming provincial elections re-prosecuting past climate fights.

Wilderness Committee
Another massive LNG plant on the West Coast?

Nov. 6, 2023

Ksi Lisims LNG is a proposal in Nisga’a territory to liquefy almost as much gas as LNG Canada. Although the proponent wants to use hydroelectricity to do so, that will only happen if BC Hydro — and its ratepayers — build it a brand new transmission line. Even then, the fracking required to fill it will make the facility among the province’s worst polluters.

Sylvia Hui
Environmental activists demonstrate outside the Intercontinental Hotel during the Oily Money Out protest, in London, Tuesday, Oct. 17, 2023. Photo by: The Canadian Press/AP Photo/Kin Cheung

Oct. 17, 2023

LONDON (AP) — Greta Thunberg was detained by British police on Tuesday alongside other climate activists who gathered outside a central London hotel to disrupt a major oil and gas industry conference.


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