
To: - CC: Hon. David Eby, Premier; Hon. George Heyman, Minister of

Environment and Climate Change Strategy; Hon. Rob Fleming, Minister of Transportation and

Infrastructure; Hon. Dan Coulter, Minister of State for Infrastructure and Transit; Hon. Josie Osborne,

Minister of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation; Hon. Bowinn Ma, Minister of Emergency

Management and Climate Readiness; Hon. Adrian Dix, Minister of Health

Re: BC Clean Transportation Action Plan Recommendations

Nathan Davidovicz

Note: The author of this proposal also produces the very useful WEEKY ALTERNATIVE BUZZER (to subscribe, email 

Also see the We Ride Public Transit Vancouver Facebook page: .

Comments are welcome.


Federico Fuentes
Michael A Lebowitz

May 12, 2023

Marxist economist Michael A Lebowitz passed away at home on April 19. With his death, the international left has lost one of its most insightful and original thinkers, whose contributions to reviving Karl Marx’s vision of socialism are essential reading for activists.

 A core message of transportation equity, referenced in Litman (2023). Source: Ryan “Equity and Mobility” in Transportation Talk by Ryan Martinson

Jan. 28, 2023

Looking ahead a week to February 4, 2023, we’d like to draw attention to “Transit Equity Day.”

According to avid transit commentator and analyst Nathan Davidowicz, Transit Equity Day has never been celebrated in Vancouver or British Columbia.

Vancouver Ecosocialist Group
Translink logo

Jan. 11, 2023

Everyone conscious of the problem of global warming understands that we must have fewer private cars on our streets. By lowering the cost of public transit (and ultimately to make it free) and increasing its accessibility, more riders will be attracted to it. Why can’t we have more buses and trains coming to more stops in neighbourhoods? Why can’t we make transit more affordable for people of lower income? Providing more public transit for less would be a step toward climate rationality and justice.

The New Climate Report
The New Climate Report

Watch here:

283,080 views Aug 26, 2022

It's never good to hear the words "total societal collapse" from a scholarly paper, but that's exactly the phrasing used in the new UN climate report. We all know it's bad, but what's really standing in the way of us ensuring a livable future?

Check out my podcast, The Deprogram!

Vancouver Ecosocialist Group
website banner
November 1, 2022
As current, former and never members of the NDP, the Vancouver Ecosocialist Group [VESG] congratulates you for your recent efforts to make the NDP a vehicle to struggle against the crisis of the earth system. Not only did you demonstrate that a movement is essential if we are to stop the madness of business and growth as usual, but you exposed dramatically how distant the NDP leadership is from acting with the speed and scale necessary today.
Susan Lazaruk
Transit advocate Nathan Davidowicz at Oakridge Skytrain Station in Vancouver. PHOTO BY ARLEN REDEKOP /PNG

Mar. 24, 2022

A transit user advocate says raising fares discourages passengers from returning to the transit system, which is down 50 per cent of pre-pandemic ridership numbers

Beginning July 1, it is going to cost more to ride transit in Metro Vancouver.


With little discussion at a TransLink board meeting on Thursday, the transit authority approved an average 2.3-per-cent fare hike, bucking a nationwide trend to combat low ridership by freezing fees after two years of the pandemic.


Amalie Wilkinson

November, 2021

Last July, I raced a wildfire.


I was on a four-day canoe trip with my father in the stunning wilderness of northern Saskatchewan, our favourite father-daughter tradition.


On the first day of the trip, we were flown up the river from our final destination by a small prop-plane, dropped miles from the nearest mark of human civilization. Out the window of the jet, I saw a wildfire raging in the not-too-distant distance. From the safety of a jet window, it was remarkable and chilling; the power and the destruction it contained.


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