Green New Deal/LEAP

Richard Sandbrook
Let's Change - End Fossil Fuels Now

Jun. 30, 2024

You can have a scientifically rigorous diagnosis of climate change, together with a plethora of reasonable policies to tackle the problem, but if your program lacks a strong coalition and powerful political strategy, it will fail.

Paul Kahnert
Tree in a light bulb

Mar. 7, 2024

While the world burns, conservative governments in both Alberta and Ontario continue to spend billions hiding and protecting their failed hydro deregulation schemes. This is money that should be spent combatting the climate crisis.

John Feffer
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán debated the situation in Hungary by European Parliament is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 / Flickr

Jan. 23, 2024

The End of Europe?

Trump allies plot to take over the European Union

It would be funny if it weren’t so potentially tragic — and consequential. No, I’m not thinking about Donald Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign but a related development: the latest decisions from the European Union (EU) about Ukraine.

Kohei Saito

Essay by Kohei Saito, [This introdution by] A Socialist In Canada, Jan 19, 2024  (This essay by the Japanese scholar, researcher and author Kohei Saito was first published in Unherd on January 9, 2024. Saito has just published a new book: Slow Down: The degrowth manifesto (W&N, Orion Publishing Group).

Steve Genco
The original photo of the famous ‘Blue Marble’ image, depicting Earth as seen by the Apollo 17 crew on December 7, 1972. Photo via NASA via Wikimedia Commons

Dec. 5, 2023

America has no idea how to live after the end of fossil fuels. When the country is ready to listen, ecosocialism can provide the answers it needs

Matthew Daly, Associated Press
Climate activists chant as they occupy Lafayette Park with a banner demanding President Biden act on climate change near the White House on July 04, 2023 in Washington, DC. Tasos Katopodis—Getty Images

Sept. 20, 2023

Biden to Boost Green Jobs with New Deal-Style American Climate Corps

(WASHINGTON) — After being thwarted by Congress, President Joe Biden will use his executive authority to create a New Deal-style American Climate Corps that will serve as a major green jobs training program.

Jonathan Cook
A firefighter tackles a wildfire in the Mojave National Preserve, California, on 30 July 2023 (AFP)

Aug. 11, 2023

Neoliberalism's relentless cheerleaders are largely unchallenged in their dangerous belief that capitalism's growth paradigm can be squared with sustainability. It may cost us the Earth

The debate about the climate crisis should have been settled in the early 1990s. And yet, three decades later, the extent, imminence and even existence of a looming catastrophe are still hotly disputed. That is not by accident.

 Trade Unions for Energy Democracy
Build Public Renewables - New York

June 6, 2023 

On May 2, New York became the first US state to pass a major Green New Deal policy following four years of organizing by the Public Power NY coalition and allies. The Build Public Renewables Act (BPRA), now New York State law, empowers and directs the state’s public power provider – the New York Power Authority (NYPA) – to plan, build, and operate renewable energy projects across New York State. Organizers are now focusing on growing the movement for Public Power from coast to coast.

Natasha Bulowski
Galen Crampsey, an electrical worker and rank-and-file member of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 353, speaks on Day 1 of the Canadian Labour Congress 2023 convention in Montreal. Photo by Natasha Bulowski

“I don't see any language in this resolution that identifies the root of the problem,” said  [Galen] Crampsey, who identified the ruling class as the source of the cost of living and climate crises.


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