Green New Deal/LEAP

Justine Hunter

Apr. 11, 2016 - B.C. NDP Leader John Horgan wants to form a common front with the Alberta NDP government in opposition to the federal party’s proposed policy manifesto aiming to wean Canada off fossil fuels by 2050.

Mr. Horgan is currently under fire from labour leaders for his opposition to two major energy projects in B.C. on environmental grounds.


[Webpage editor's introduction: Below are three articles about the Leap Manifesto and the NDP, first from the Jacobin.]


The impossible Dream

By Todd Gordon, Jacobin, April 15, 2016 

Gary Engler

What is it with union and political ‘leaders’ who treat their members as if they were children not old enough to deal with reality?


[Four articles on the reaction to the Leap Manifesto, first from Rabble]


Rather than fearing the Leap Manifesto, let's bring on the debate


By Linda McQuaig, Rabble, April 15, 2016


That silly Leap Manifesto -- giving itself away right in the subtitle, which calls for "a Canada based on caring for the Earth and one another." No wonder it provoked fury and outrage.

Thomas Walkom

It may scare some New Democrats, but this sketchy recipe for fighting climate change is not particularly left-wing.

The short document, available on-line, can arouse fierce passions.

Alberta NDP Premier Rachel Notley has called its centrepiece recommendations naive and ill-informed.

Writing in the Star, former party official Robin Sears has dismissed it as the product of “loony leapers.”


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