Green New Deal/LEAP

Alexander C. Kaufman
Fridays for future - there is No planet B

 December 3rd 2019

The progressive bloc set to rule Europe’s fifth-largest economy has endorsed a Green New Deal but risks fueling a resurgent fascist movement. Photo Pixabay License

This story was originally published by HuffPost and appears here as part of theClimate Desk collaboration.

TUED (Trade Unions for Energy Democracy
The Green New Deal, Net Zero Carbon,and the Crucial Role of Public Ownership - Conference Report

[Editor: below is the first part of this report which is 50 pages in total.  See the complete report and links within the report here.]

November 2019

This report was prepared by John Treat, Sean Sweeney and Irene HongPing Shen of Trade Unions for
Energy Democracy (TUED). The opinions expressed herein may not reflect the policies and positions
of unions participating in TUED.

Cameron Fenton
Our Time

The history of Petro-Canada’s creation in the 1970s offers inspiration for our current political moment

After the votes were counted, Trudeau had fallen from a majority to minority parliament while trouble was brewing in Alberta.

The Leap

[Editor: Interesting discussions here..]

The second On Fire book club conversation: Labour Organizing, Strikes, and the Green New Deal. Yesterday, we were joined by Meredith Whittaker, Lauren Burke, Raj Patel, and Deena Ladd for a captivating conversation about building worker power across silos: from bridging the divide between unionized and non-unionized workers, to connecting climate justice with other struggles.

The Leap logo

Oct. 21, 2019

By now, you've heard a lot from us about the Green New Deal — and how this bold, integrated vision could guide us to a better future. But here’s the thing: to turn that vision into reality, we also have to talk about saving our democracy, right now.

Lia Grajalas

[Webpage editor: Read this valuable account of developments in Venezuela, but which is also worth thinking about in terms of how we in Canada can face the looming reality of the climagte crisis, and in particular of the dialectic between 'progressive' government policy and 'popular' initiatives.]

A young theorist and grassroots organizer argues that Chavez’s socialist project lives on as an array of self-organized initiatives.

Chloe Rockarts
Photo by Alexis Fawn
 October 1, 2019 
On September 27, workers across the world went out on strike in the largest global climate strike in history, walking out of their classrooms and workplaces to protest government inaction on climate change. This comes following the September 20 ‘School Strike for Climate’, which saw millions of young people and students in over 150 countries walk-out three days before the U.N.’s Climate Summit. 

Alberta’s climate

Vancouver Ecosocialists

Election offers only partial solutions

Roll Up Your Sleeves,

For the Green New Deal

   Our federal election should let us choose a climate justice plan to remedy global climate disruption and growing economic inequality. But, at best, the major parties offer only extremely partial solutions.


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