If you're feeling low about the state of the world right now, I’m with you. In this moment of unprecedented crises, it’s almost comical how our political and media establishments keep finding spectacular new ways to fail us. By 45 minutes into Tuesday night's U.S. presidential debate, I was awash in existential nausea.
But through it all, I have been blessed to be working - and dwelling - in another mode entirely. For six months, we have been working on this short piece of art. It’s a beautiful, movement-fuelled vision of what it would look like if we seized this moment and turned things around. And today, we get to share Message from the Future II: The Years of Repair with you.
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And if the film strikes a chord for you, please share it far and wide.

And of course, we’re not just launching a film today. Here at The Leap, we never work alone. So we’ve partnered with some of our heroes and mentors in visionary organizations fighting for justice, in a global effort to amplify this vision of a better future. Learn about their campaigns here.
Message is a vision of the future that comes straight out of the existing, grassroots demands and struggles of so many people on the frontlines of crisis. And we’re proud that our launch partners represent such a broad spectrum of these movements. They’re fighting for the rights and dignity of marginalized communities, and of millions of essential workers around the world -- and if millions more people see this film, with your help, we’ll be able to plug them into our partners’ campaigns to fix our broken systems.
Check out Message from the Future II today -- and we’re also excited to see you at 3pm ET for a special launch event hosted by Emma Thompson! If you haven’t already, you can still reserve a ticket here.
Emma will be joined by other key members of the film team: Naomi Klein, Opal Tometi (co-founder of Black Lives Matter), and Nigerian poet and activist Nnimmo Bassey.
All of us at The Leap have put our hearts, souls, and countless hours into this film. If you have 9 minutes today, please give it a watch -- and share it with anyone you know who could use a dose of radical hope. I know I needed one.
In solidarity,

Avi Lewis, The Leap