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Once the company files the PPBoRs with the NEB, these documents are available to the public on the National Energy Board website (click here).
The company must publish a notice in local newspapers and give written notice to all landowners whose properties are intersected by [who have an interest in the lands along] the pipeline route. The newspaper notice usually includes a map and a list of the lands crossed by the pipeline. It will explain how objections to the detailed route can be filed with the Board. Note that while the term "landowner" is commonly used in this process, the process is not limited to landowners but is open to anyone with an interest in the lands the pipeline crosses. Such interests may include renting, grazing animals, use of natural resources and any other interest that may be impacted by the project.
[Landowners who have an interest in the lands which will be crossed by the pipeline route will be provided with a notice in person. This notice] Notices served and published along the route will show [where the detailed] in detail the proposed route [proposes to cross the landowner's property] and will provide information on how people [the landowner] can oppose the proposed route.
[You can oppose the detailed route if you are a landowner who has been served with a notice about the detailed route of the pipeline. You can also] Anyone can oppose the detailed route if they [you are a person who] anticipate[s] that their interest in the [your] lands on the proposed route may be adversely affected by the [proposed detailed route of the pipeline] project.
You can oppose the detailed route (exact location) of the pipeline or the methods or timing of the construction of the pipeline.
Methods of construction describes such things as how the company plans to clear the pipeline right-of-way, remove and store the top soil, install the pipeline, and reclaim the lands. Timing of construction could refer to the time of year when the company plans to build the pipeline, and/or the length of time the construction is expected to last.
If you want to oppose the detailed route you must send a letter to the NEB and to Trans Mountain. The statement of opposition must state:
The NEB Act sets out how much time you have to send your written objection. A person whose lands are crossed by the pipeline has 30 days from the date they receive notice of the detailed route. A person who thinks their lands may be adversely affected by the detailed route of the pipeline has 30 days from the last day the advertisements appeared in a local newspaper. For the schedule of publication of notices in newspapers along the route click here.
These timelines are fixed in the NEB Act so it is important for landowners to file their statements with the Board and Trans Mountain before the 30-day period expires. Addresses will be on the notices.
Yes, templates can be found on the NEB's website by going to "Land Matters" and then "Templates for Public Participation" and now available Statement of Opposition form
The NEB must conduct a detailed route hearing if, within the applicable 30-day period, persons whose lands are crossed by the pipeline or others whose lands are affected raise legitimate objections about the specific details of the pipeline route or about the methods or timing of the construction.
If an objection is withdrawn, the NEB does not have to hold a detailed route hearing. The NEB can also reject any objections that deal with issues outside of its jurisdiction (such as compensation), or that are found to be frivolous, or not made in good faith.
For more information about compensation, see Chapter 7: Compensation for Land Use.
In addition to landowners on the route and anyone with an interest in the lands of the route or whose lands may be affected by the project, anyone with a legitimate interest may apply to the NEB to participate in the detailed route hearing. You must follow the requirements for filing an intervention as described in the National Energy Board Rules of Practice and Procedure, 1995. The NEB will decide whether you will to be allowed to participate as an intervenor.