Tell Horgan to cancel the permit for TMX

Peter McCartney

Tell Horgan to cancel the permit for TMX

What a year it’s been on the pipeline file! Remember when Alberta temporarily blocked BC wines in response to a proposed ban on the transport of diluted bitumen? Seems like ages ago. 

In the meantime, Premier Horgan has been too quiet on the issue. Now, the Federal Court of Appeal ruling overturning the Trans Mountain approval gives him the opportunity to defend our coast. He needs your help to seize it.

Write now!

The court ruling required the federal government to start a new review process. The same ruling means BC can order its own environmental assessment because the province relied on the federal review, which has now been quashed.

The federal government's new process is just as bad as the old one. It's clearly designed to do the bare legal minimum while papering over the concerns which led the court to reverse the approval in the first place.  
All Horgan needs to do is take three simple steps:
  1. Withdraw from the equivalency agreement, which allowed the federal government's assessment to replace BC's own assessment.
  2. Join the Squamish Nation’s legal challenge of the BC Environmental Assessment Certificate to cancel the provincial permits for the project.
  3. Launch a BC Environmental Assessment under the province’s new rules.
It’s time the provincial government used every tool in its toolbox to stop this pipeline. They need to hear from you to take on the federal government. Will you write your local MLA and Premier Horgan and ask them to honour their commitment to defend our coast?
Write your letter today
Together we’re going to stop this pipeline!

For the climate,

Peter McCartney, Climate Campaigner