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Dear Friends of the Peace,
As you are aware, the British Columbia Utilities Commission (BCUC) has begun the process to assess the economics of Site C dam, effective August 9th.
On August 11th, several of our allied groups sent a letter to Premier Horgan with a number of requests to ensure that the BCUC process is open, transparent and procedurally fair. We have not heard back from the Premier on these requests.
We think an open and fair BCUC process is extremely important. Time is moving quickly. The BCUC assessment is on a very short timeline, with a deadline of August 30th for input on the economic issues outlined in the terms of reference, a preliminary report from BCUC to the government by September 20th and a final report by November 1st.
How can you help?
You can help make sure that despite the short timelines, the BCUC process is as open, transparent and procedurally fair as possible. Read the information below and send an email to Premier Horgan ( and Michelle Mungall (, Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources now, insisting that the following matters be addressed within the BCUC process as expediently as possible.
l3. direct the B.C. Utilities Commission to hold public hearings at that time to assist it in making these determinations (p. 24) .
We appreciate the need for the assessment of Site C Dam by the BCUC to be undertaken expediently, but at the same time, let’s make it as open, transparent and fair a process as possible.
Remember to send your emails now, as the first deadline for submissions is fast approaching – August 30th! (Submissions will be accepted until mid-October, but this first deadline is critical.) You can also make a submission of "data and/or analysis" yourself here.
We and the Peace Valley thank you for your on-going support.
For the Peace,
Andrea Morison Galen Armstrong
Peace Valley Env. Assc. Sierra Club BC
Stop Site C