Greenpeace sails with First Nations to oppose Arctic oil tankers

Mychaylo Prystupa
Candace Campo, Audrey Siegl and Taylor George Hollis in front of the Greenpeace vessel Esperanza that was docked in North Vancouver on Friday. Photo by Mychaylo Prystupa.

A massive Greenpeace ship will depart the Port of Vancouver on Tuesday with a cross-Canada Aboriginal delegation. The delegation seeks to raise alarm about the potential surge in U.S. oil tankers set to ply past British Columbia’s coastlines in the future, should Shell's Arctic oil drilling plans go full steam ahead.

For ten days, the international environmental organization, active in 40 countries, will sail its largest ship —the Esperanza —to B.C. coastal communities such as Haida Gwaii to spread the word about the increased oil spill risks to the province's coastline that could result from Arctic drilling.

Audrey Siegl (ancestral name sχɬemtəna:t), of the Vancouver-area Musqueum Nation, will be among the indigenous participants.  The First Nations drummer is well known for her anti-oil rally activities, from Burnaby Mountain to Northern Gateway marches.