Recent Federal Court Decision on Jackpine Mine fires up First Nation

Vancouver Observer Staff
Photo from Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation Facebook Page

The Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation (ACFN) is unsatisfied with the recent decision to dismiss their judicial review of the Federal approval of Shell Canada’s Jackpine Mine Expansion project, according to a press release. The ACFN argued the project approval process failed to uphold proper and adequate consultation and as result has harmed the nation and its rights.

However, the court accepted the Crown argument that consultation was adequate and would continue to address the ACFN’s outstanding concerns regarding projects impacts. Yet, there was no indication of how or when this would happen.

“This is a major industrial project an independent panel found would have serious adverse impacts on the environment and our rights. Canada essentially did nothing to accommodate or mitigate our Treaty 8 rights,” stated Chief Allan Adam of the ACFN.

“Regardless of this decision its obvious to ACFN there has not been adequate consultation to thoroughly understand the long term impacts or proven ways to mitigate the destruction of these massive development projects.”