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Sometimes in this vast and complicated world, it's easy to feel a bit lost and hopeless. It can be hard to see progress or positives in the face of so much struggle. But I find if I focus things inward and think about the community with which I work to put renewable energy on the map, my mood changes. Drastically.
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Four weeks ago Iron & Earth concluded a whirlwind engagement tour in Edmonton, Alberta. It started with a Visioning Workshop where we invited both our committed members and prospective allies to engage with our core leadership team and each other to learn about everything we do, identify key priorities and contribute ideas for the next phase of our work.
At the end of the session, participants committed to engage with their co-workers and communities to recruit new members in working toward chapter development. The visioning day was followed by a few drinks and a celebration of everything we've accomplished together. We also had a special opportunity that evening to get to know the Leduc-Beaumont Member of Legislative Assembly (MLA) Shaye Anderson and discuss specific opportunities in the region.
After all that, we hosted our first ever AGM where we elected a new board of directors and determined our bylaws. The following day we embarked on an intensive media training. Our board and other worker members got comfortable being in front of the camera and practiced discussing our work – and let me tell you, did it ever pay off...
The week ended with a press conference at the Gridworks Energy solar training center where we stood side by side with a range of allies and presented our completed Workers’ Climate Plan (WCP) report to a room full of news crews and reporters. It was the culmination of four months hard work surveying worker members and non-workers, and conducting consultations with industry and allies. By all indications, the event was a smashing success.
Since calling on government to retrain, retool and rebuild Canada's energy sector, we've received a positive response from a number of workers, unions, and political leaders. As we were hoping, the WCP report has immediately become a helpful conversation tool. Within the first week of launching the report, we engaged with a number of tradespeople, MPs, MLAs, wind energy contractors and developers, unions, and oil and gas businesses about how to refine and implement our proposed policies...
There's an industrial revolution emerging – that much is for sure. Where oil and gas workers are positioned within it has yet to be determined. There's absolutely no reason to leave workers and families struggling in the wake of this transition.
If you haven't already, please support our call on the governments of Alberta and Canada to foster job opportunities for skilled workers that are aligned with our climate commitments. All you have to do is sign your name here:
Thanks for sticking with us on this journey. •
Iron & Earth is led by oilsands workers committed to incorporating more renewable energy projects into our work scope. This article was first published on their website
What is the Workers’ Climate Plan?
Who developed the plan?
What are you recommending?
The Workers’ Climate Plan process identified four key areas for government action:
Why now?
What is needed for workers to make this transition?
Where can I learn more?
The Workers’ Climate Plan is available online at | download PDF.