Climate Change

Hiroko Tabuchi, Matt Furber and Coral Davenport Hiroko Tabuchi reported from New York City, Matt Furber from the protests in Minnesota and Coral Davenport from Washington.
Demonstrators near Park Rapids, Minn., on Monday.Credit...Tim Gruber for The New York Times

Updated June 8, 2021

Todd Coyne

June 7, 2021 12:02PM PDT

VICTORIA -- A group of First Nations say they have reached an agreement to defer old-growth logging in parts of southwestern Vancouver Island for the next two years.

The Huu-ay-aht, Ditidaht, and Pacheedaht First Nations say they informed the B.C. government on Saturday of their plan to hold off on old-growth logging in the Fairy Creek and Central Walbran areas while the nations develop long-term resource stewardship plans.

Ecosocialist Alliance
System Change

June 5, 2021  •  

Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK and the US (and the EU) have a great part of the immense wealth of the richest countries in the world in 2021. This wealth is more than sufficient to provide for the needs for food, water, health, housing and education of the global population.

Stephanie Taylor, The Canadian Press
Oil pipes
Jun 4, 2021 | 2:08 AM

OTTAWA — Federal officials were asking themselves how many pipelines does Canada really need in the days after U.S. President Joe Biden cancelled Keystone XL.

The query was posed in a briefing note from Natural Resources Canada and released to The Canadian Press under federal access-to-information legislation.

The Canadian Press
Oil pipes

June 3, 2021

CALGARY — An insurance provider for the Trans Mountain pipeline said it will not renew its policy with the company when it expires in August.

Argo Group International Holdings Ltd., an international underwriter based in Bermuda, said the project no longer fits the company's risk appetite. 

"We currently insure the Trans Mountain pipeline, but do not intend to renew when the policy expires in August 2021," spokesman David Snowden said. 

"This type of project is not currently within Argo's risk appetite."

Ruth Walmsley
Prayer Circle and allies held off TMX work for an entire day at Brunette Interchange
May 31, 2021
Today, the Prayer Circle and allies held off TMX work for an entire day at Brunette Interchange!
Thanks to everyone who came out to support. We arrived at 6:15am to find no workers or security around, and were able to easily access the site. Some security and/or workers were spotted throughout the day, but it was fairly uneventful until 4pm when 7 RCMP cruisers pulled up. We were read the injunction, and chose to leave and not be arrested. 


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