LNG - Fracking


[A 2012 article that discusses lax oversight and uncertain science about industries who dump trillions of gallons of waste underground.]

Photo: A class 2 brine disposal well in western Louisiana near the Texas border. The well sat by the side of the road, without restricted access. (Abrahm Lustgarten/ProPublica)

Mark Hume

May 26, 2016 - Two major fires have burned huge swaths of forest through the heart of the oil and gas patch in northeast British Columbia and northwest Alberta without causing any damage to infrastructure.

Pipelines, compressor stations, tank farms and active wells – all processing highly flammable hydrocarbons – have at times been surrounded by the huge fires, which have destroyed over 100,000 hectares of forest north of Fort St. John.


First the good news:

After spending months ignoring the recommendations put forward by British Columbia's Climate Leadership team, Premier Christy Clark has finally found someone to take charge of this very important file.  

Justine Hunter and Justin Giovannetti

Tuesday, May 17 - In the spring of 2015, B.C. Premier Christy Clark challenged jurisdictions around the world to meet or beat her province’s world-leading climate action plan. Now her government is wrestling with rising CO2 levels while Alberta and Ontario have moved aggressively to reduce their provincial greenhouse gas emissions.


Ian Campbell, Michelle Edwards, Tom Pedersen, Matt Horne, Merran Smith, Tzeporah Berman, Nancy Olewiler

Seven members of B.C.'s Climate Leadership Team released the following open letter on May 17, 2016:

Dear Premier,

Kevin Campbell

It’s going to come down to science, not job creation.

That’s the message that a group of B.C. First Nations leaders received from the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) when they travelled to Ottawa and Parliament Hill to voice their opinion that the Pacific NorthWest LNG proposed LNG export terminal on Lelu Island does not have universal support from Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities alike in the northwest.

Brent Jang

The former mayor of the Lax Kw’alaams First Nation is upset that his successor is backing Pacific NorthWest LNG’s plans to build an $11.4-billion terminal.

Garry Reece, who lost to John Helin in November’s mayoral race, said the new mayor overstepped his authority in declaring the elected Lax Kw’alaams Band Council’s conditional support for exporting liquefied natural gas from Lelu Island in northwestern British Columbia.

BC First Nations Leaders

For Immediate Release

April 19, 2016

BC First Nations Leaders in Ottawa to Set Record Straight on Misleading Claims of Support for Petronas’ Pacific Northwest LNG and Call on Trudeau to reject project 

Brent Jang
Demonstrators, who built a two-storey house last fall and constructed a cabin this spring on the island, unveiled plans to build a cultural centre. (Pacific Northwest LNG)

Native leaders of a protest camp are lashing out at the Port of Prince Rupert by unveiling plans to build a cultural centre on Lelu Island, the site of a proposed LNG terminal.

Two Lax Kw’alaams First Nation hereditary leaders have written a letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, complaining about the federal port’s support for Pacific NorthWest LNG. The consortium, led by Malaysia’s state-owned Petronas, is seeking to construct the $11.4-billion terminal to export liquefied natural gas to Asia.

Justine Hunter

B.C. NDP Leader John Horgan met with his toughest critics on the party’s liquefied natural gas policies, and said his party’s official rejection of the Pacific Northwest LNG proposal could yet turn to Yes.

Mr. Horgan was speaking to the annual convention of the BC Building Trade unions in Victoria on Wednesday, where he sought to diffuse anger from his party’s labour allies over his decision to ask the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency to withhold approval for the proposed Pacific Northwest LNG plant near Prince Rupert.


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