Pipeline to Nowhere: Indigenous-led Resistance to PRGT and Ksi Lisims LNG

Gitanyow Hereditary Chiefs and Dogwood
Pipeline to Nowhere: Indigenous-led Resistance to PRGT and Ksi Lisims LNG

Oct. 24, 2024

This webinar is co-presented by Gitanyow Hereditary Chiefs and Dogwood.

Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPxyxkfVJPQ

The Prince Rupert Gas Transmission project is a new fracked gas pipeline planned for northern B.C. It’s a carbon bomb on the scale of Coastal GasLink, it threatens salmon, lands and waters, and it does not have the consent of communities along the route. Construction began in August, but resistance is mounting. Gitanyow hereditary chiefs have blocked pipeline traffic from their land for the last six weeks. And a new blockade camp is up and running on Gitxsan territory. Three different legal challenges are in the works, and pressure is building on provincial politicians ahead of a major decision in November 2024 about the fate of the project.

In this webinar, we share communities’ concerns about the PRGT pipeline, real-time updates from the frontlines, and what the B.C. election results mean for this struggle. You’ll hear from Naxginkw/Tara Marsden, Wilp Sustainability Director for the Gitanyow Hereditary Chiefs; Stephen Nyce, a Nisga'a hereditary name holder from Gitwinksihlkw; Taylor Wale, fisheries biologist from the Gitxsan Nation; Kolin Sutherland-Wilson, the elected chief councillor of the Kispiox Band; and Kai Nagata from Dogwood.

Solidarity opportunities mentioned in the video:

1. Donate to Puppies not Pipelines to support land re-occupation in Gitxsan territory (and a new dog sanctuary!) by e-transferring funds to landbackcc@gmail.com.

2. Donate to the Nisga’a Tribal Protectors’ legal fund at https://www.gofundme.com/f/tribal-lan...

3. Sign on to Gitxsan youth solidarity statement at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FA...

4. Follow the frontlines on Instagram for the latest developments and calls to action: @gitanyowchiefs, @kolinsutherlandwilson, @laxyipyouth, @dogwoodbc