Canda's Energy Future: The Path to Transition

J. David Hughes
"Just convert to green energy or radically reduce energy consumption altogether? At the link below is a slide collection put together by David Hughes, a long-time earth scientist with connections to the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, the Parkland Institute, and many other energy/environment/politics-related progressive organizations. The slides, many of them graphs (but not all), contain a humongous amount of clear information about hotly debated topics related to the question at the beginning of this paragraph, but also to climate disruption, pipelines, economics, etc." - Gene McGuckin
"If anyone has any thoughts about where they expect the energy to come from and how much they think they will need, compared to now, in their ideal ‘carbon-free’ world, I’d like to hear it. Maybe I’ve spent too much time thinking about this, but there is some pretty tough math involved which, in my view, will require a radical downsizing in the amount of energy used and a rethink of how it is used to minimize impacts – which is a tough sell to politicians. Or maybe you think it is just a simple swap-out of fossil fuels for wind mills and solar panels?"
David Hughes