LNG - Fracking

Lilli Fuhr and Hannah McKinnon
fossil fuels and climate change

BERLIN – Since the Paris climate agreement was signed in 2015, too many policymakers have fallen for the oil and gas industry’s rhetoric about how it can help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Tall tales about “clean coal,” “oil pipelines to fund clean energy” and “gas as a bridge fuel” have coaxed governments into rubber-stamping new fossil fuel projects, even though current fossil fuel production already threatens to push temperatures well beyond the Paris agreement’s limit of well below 2 degrees above pre-industrial levels.

Jennifer Dorroh
​Baltimore, devastated by Hurricane Isabel in 2003, understands the costs of climate damages will skyrocket and wants the oil industry to pay for them. Photo credit: Alex Wong/Getty Images
July 20, 2018

Baltimore became the second East Coast city to file a climate liability lawsuit against fossil fuel companies. Its suit, announced Friday, becomes the 12th suit filed across the country aiming to hold the industry accountable for flooding and other harms caused by climate change.

Damian Carrington
A message to divest from fossil fuels in front of Ireland's parliament buildings. Photo: Sasko Lazarov/Photocall Ireland/Trócaire/350.org

July 12th 2018

This story was originally published in The Guardian and appears here as part of the Climate Desk collaboration.

Ben Parfitt

June 25, 2018 - From the limited correspondence I have received from the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, I understand that the Panel has asked me to be here today because of my work as a public policy researcher and in particular because of recent research that I have done on “water storage” issues in northeast British Columbia.

I will speak to you about my research conclusions and do my best to situate that work in terms of the specific things that you as panel members have been called upon to do.

Marc Lee

Now that we are in a sunny lull between the end of flooding season and the start of fire season, it’s time we had a talk about fossil fuels and climate change in BC.

Caitlyn Vernon
A model at the LNG Canada offices in Kitimat shows the proposed liquified natural gas liquification plant and marine terminal. ROBIN ROWLAND / THE CANADIAN PRESS

June 17, 2018

With the debate over the Trans Mountain Pipeline and tankers project at fever pitch, another project with enormous climate impacts is slipping under the radar. After B.C. announced new climate commitments in May, LNG Canada’s CEO hinted construction will start soon. More recently, the Malaysian multinational Petronas announced a 25-per-cent stake in the LNG Canada project.

LNG Canada’s final investment decision is imminent.

Ben Parfitt

In fiscal year 2008, according to the “upstream development division” of B.C.’s Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, British Columbians received $1.16 billion in royalty revenues. By 2017, however, revenues had fallen nearly 90 per cent to $147 million.


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