Financial Times
July 29, 2018
Extreme weather must spur action against global warming 
Andy Rowell
“It is sobering to witness how swiftly scientists’ worst predictions have come true, from the lethal heat wave gripping Japan to the record temperatures in Europe to the flames exploding near the Arctic Circle. ” (Photo: FEMA)

As climate change creates its own weather, how many more people have to die, how many of our children do we have to bury or how many brave fire-fighters put their lives in danger, before society acts decisively?

How many more have to die? The global heat-wave of 2018, caused by climate change, is now killing in California.

Samantha M. Harvey
photo Peg Hunter Grassroots activists worry that that once taken over by philanthropies and governments entrenched in a corporate model, the principles that birthed the just transition movement – principles of bottom-up community leadership, cultural inclusion, food sovereignty, and localized economies – would be lost forever.

Will the just transition movement survive mainstream adoption?

"There is a right way to do ‘just transition.’”

Kevin MacKay

JULY 20, 2018

June 23 marked the 30th year anniversary of NASA climate scientist James Hansen’s presentation on global warming to the U.S. Congress. In his address Hansen argued that climate change – long predicted by scientists, was now here, and that it would get steadily worse.

Jennifer Dorroh
​Baltimore, devastated by Hurricane Isabel in 2003, understands the costs of climate damages will skyrocket and wants the oil industry to pay for them. Photo credit: Alex Wong/Getty Images
July 20, 2018

Baltimore became the second East Coast city to file a climate liability lawsuit against fossil fuel companies. Its suit, announced Friday, becomes the 12th suit filed across the country aiming to hold the industry accountable for flooding and other harms caused by climate change.

Angie Schmidt

Groundbreaking research presents credible estimates of the total parking supply in several American cities, and it's not pretty.

Uniocorn Riot

See video here: 

On June 28, 2018, the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission voted to approve the Line 3 oil pipeline over public opposition. Winona LaDuke spoke to the crowd outside after the PUC vote:

"Minnesota and Enbridge have asked us if this is gonna be like Standing Rock. And they have gotten their Standing Rock...It is time to come to Minnesota to protect the water."

As It Happens - CBC

June 29, 2018, Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Effects 
Eight years after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, scientists uncover an ugly truth: it's having long-lasting effects on even the smallest organisms in the Gulf of Mexico. 

Listen here at 41:00


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