Climate Science

Ian Angus
Ian Angus, author of Facing the Anthropocene: Fossil Capitalism and the Crisis of the Earth System.
[Editors: to see Angus' slides check out the video of his talk in Australia here:  But don't miss the interesting questions and answers at the end of the Canadian launch.]
Published on Sep 19, 2016

Ian Angus speaks at the Canadian launch of his new book @ SFU Woodward's on September 15th.

Ian Angus
Traffic jam

Human activity has transformed the Earth, accelerating climate change in just a few decades. Author Ian Angus talks to Socialist Review about facing up to the new reality.

Can you explain the concept of the Anthropocene and its importance for understanding the current climate crisis?

Nadia Prupis
Global greenhouse gas emissions are not likely to slow down quickly enough to avoid passing the 1.5°C target, scientists said. (Photo: Jamie McCaffrey/flickr/cc)

Meanwhile, new research discovers soil may not be trapping carbon as fast as we hoped

The planet could pass the critical 1.5°C global temperature threshold in a decade—and is already two-thirds of the way to hit that warming limit, climate scientists warned on Thursday.

Andrew Nikiforuk

Sept 16, 2016 - Another U.S. scientific study has confirmed that methane emissions from oil and gas activity are increasing more rapidly than previously estimated, and that these increases were happening at the same time that the North American shale gas boom and related fracking frenzy took off.

Roger Annis

Sept 14, 2016 - Capitalism has run so amok, producing so much waste and life-destroying pollution, that scientists now say that Earth has entered an entirely new epoch: The Anthropocene

David P. Ball
Ian Angus, author of Facing the Anthropocene: Fossil Capitalism and the Crisis of the Earth System.

The stable climate of the last 12,000 years is over, warns an author visiting B.C. this week. But will human civilization survive the new age?

Welcome to the Anthropocene.

On Aug. 29, geologists on a high-level international working group voted 30 to three to officially declare our time an entirely new geological epoch — one in which humans have “profoundly” affected almost every single system on our planet.

Bobby Magill

The U.S. is expected to reach a major carbon emissions milestone this year: For the first time, carbon dioxide emissions from burning natural gas in the U.S. are set to surpass those from burning coal — the globe’s chief climate polluter.

Emissions from burning natural gas are expected to be 10 percent greater than those from coal in 2016, as electric companies rely more on power plants that run on natural gas than those that run on coal, according to U.S. Department of Energy data.

Ian Angus

Key conclusion of Anthropocene Working Group report to Geological Congress: the "Great Acceleration" in the second half of the 20th century marked the end of the Holocene and the beginning of a new geological epoch.

The evidence is overwhelming: earth entered a new geological epoch in about 1950.  In an official report to the International Geological Congress, the Anthropocene Working Group made that case, and proposed to move towards official adoption in the next 2-3 years.

Maria-José Viñas

Aug 3, 2016 - NASA researchers have helped produce the first map showing what parts of the bottom of the massive Greenland Ice Sheet are thawed – key information in better predicting how the ice sheet will react to a warming climate.

Canadian Press

The steady loss of the kelp removes an important habitat for other species and has a cascading effect through the marine environment, a Halifax marine biologist warns.

Once rich forests of willowy kelp that stretch along Nova Scotia’s coast have been decimated by warming water temperatures, says a marine biologist who warns that the loss could harm other species that rely on them for food.


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