Climate Science

Muneeza Naqvi
NEW DELHI — A city in western India has suffered through the country’s highest temperature in history — a scorching 51 degrees Celsius.

The record was set Thursday in the city of Phalodi, in the western state of Rajasthan. India’s meteorological department said the previous high was 50.6 Celsius, reached in 1956 in the city of Alwar, also in Rajasthan.

Mariano Torras
We have finally reached the point where most people around the world believe that climate change is really happening.
Christopher Wright

Last Friday evening I was asked to speak at the international launch of Canadian ecosocialist Ian Angus’ new book Facing the Anthropocene: Fossil Capitalism and the Crisis of the Earth System. The transcript of my address is reproduced below (spoiler – I really liked this book!):

Eric Holthaus

Click below for this visualization of the changes in global temperature over the past two centuries.




The number of climate refugees could increase dramatically in future. Researchers of the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry and the Cyprus Institute in Nicosia have calculated that the Middle East and North Africa could become so hot that human habitability is compromised. The goal of limiting global warming to less than two degrees Celsius, agreed at the recent UN climate summit in Paris, will not be sufficient to prevent this scenario.

Ed Struzik

What's turning northern forests into tinder? Biggest reason is climate change, but that’s not all

A sudden shift in the wind at a critical time of day was all it took to send a wildfire out of control through Fort McMurray, forcing more than 80,000 people out of their homes in what has become the biggest natural disaster in Canadian history.

Earlier this week, Darby Allen, the regional fire chief for the area, minced no words when he was asked what might happen now that more than 1,600 homes have been destroyed.

Ian Angus

Human activity has transformed the Earth, accelerating climate change in just a few decades. Author Ian Angus talks to Socialist Review about facing up to the new reality.

Ivan Semeniuk

Even fire scientists are stunned by the scale of disruption and damage wrought by an out-of-control wildfire that swept into Fort McMurray, Alta., on Tuesday. But when it comes to the underlying factors that allowed the blaze to become so severe so quickly, experts say larger forces are at play and there is a growing risk of similar events occurring across the northwest.

Ivan Semeniuk

Even fire scientists are stunned by the scale of disruption and damage wrought by an out-of-control wildfire that swept into Fort McMurray, Alta., on Tuesday. But when it comes to the underlying factors that allowed the blaze to become so severe so quickly, experts say larger forces are at play and there is a growing risk of similar events occurring across the northwest.

Mark Hume

British Columbia is facing droughts more severe than any in the past 350 years, according to new research that used tree ring data to reconstruct the coast climate back to the 17th century.


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