
Tracy Loew

Two Oregon lawmakers want to protect public drinking water sources by banning clear-cuts, pesticide and fertilizer applications, and new logging roads on private forestland in those watersheds.

The aim is to prevent disasters such as last year’s Detroit Lake algae bloom, which shut down drinking water supplies in the state Capital for more than a month.

Jonathan Watts
Deforestation in the western Amazon region of Brazil. Photograph: Carl de Souza/AFP/Getty Images

Nov. 21, 2018

World’s biggest protected area would stretch across borders from Andes to Atlantic

Indigenous groups in the Amazon have proposed the creation of the world’s biggest protected area, a 200m-hectare sanctuary for people, wildlife and climate stability that would stretch across borders from the Andes to the Atlantic.

George Monbiot
Illustration: Nathalie Lees

06 Nov 2018 

What if we abandoned photosynthesis as the means of producing food, and released most of the world’s surface from agriculture?

published in the Guardian 31st October 2018

George Monbiot
Rebelling Against Extinction- The Guardian Oct.18, 2018

When governments abandon us, we must step up

[Our politicians, under the influence of big business, have failed us. As they take the planet to the brink, it’s time for disruptive, nonviolent disobedience - Guardian headline]

published in the Guardian 18th October 2018

First Nations Leaders

Today is a monumental day.

Peter Ewart
a wetland with abundant green grasses, broad leaf plants and young tree

March 31, 2018

The images are alarming.  In photo #1 — a wetland with abundant green grasses, broad leaf plants and young trees, an ideal habitat for insects, amphibians, birds, and mammals.  In photo #2 — the same wetland gripped by a grey death after being sprayed from helicopters with the herbicide glyphosate.  Most of the vegetation (except for a few coniferous trees) is now dead and the insects and other animals gone.

Joseph Serna

Southern California may get the Santa Ana winds every year, but — according to recorded history — they’ve never been like this.

Nicole Mortillaro
Over 15,000 scientists signed an open letter published in BioScience warning humanity that we need to change our behaviours in order to protect the planet. (NOAA)

A similar warning was first issued by scientists in 1992

Nov 13, 2017

More than 15,000 scientists around the world have issued a global warning: there needs to be change in order to save Earth.

It comes 25 years after the first notice in 1992 when a mere 1,500 scientists issued a similar warning. 

This new cautioning — which gained popularity on Twitter with #ScientistsWarningToHumanity — garnered more than 15,000 signatures. 


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