Analysts insist China is on track to meet its COP26 targets despite many strains
A giant screen shows news footage of Chinese President Xi Jinping attending a video summit on climate change earlier this year. Will China be able to meet Xi's targets? (Florence Lo/Reuters)
More details from IPCC and other sources on how REALLY URGENT it is to cut emissions NOW!!!
Oct. 12, 2021
FacingFuture.TV recently hosted a preview of the upcoming IPCC 2021 UN climate report, which report guides the gathering of dignitaries from around the world meeting in Glasgow this November to discuss, analyze, and decide how to deal with global warming/climate change.
You arguably are one of the most powerful, famous, and networked men in the world, with many important accomplishments. I am the completely ordinary, middle class, volunteer steward of 53 acres of publicly owned, remnant floodplain woodland situated on the banks of the Des Plaines River.
An impressively comprehensive (and scary) summary of “the task before us, if we would not fail, is to build the earth.” And, though the author does not say it explicitly, he convincingly documents why this task cannot be accomplished with the required urgency under capitalism.
Gene McGuckin
Climate-Change Transition in the Age of the Billionaire
It was supposed to be the greatest transition of modern times.
A new ranking of the planet’s largest polluters has Canada in the top 10 for total emissions, which climate advocates say gives the country an even greater responsibility to align itself with a climate-safe future.
A group of students at Simon Fraser University in Burnaby have given their school administrators an ultimatum: it has four weeks to commit to a full divestment from fossil fuels or a hunger strike will commence on Nov. 1.