LNG - Fracking

Rebecca Lau
Protesters blocked a portion of Highway 102 in Nova Scotia on Tuesday morning in support of the anti-pipeline protests in B.C.  Reynold Gregor/Global News

January 15, 2019

Protesters blocked a portion of Highway 102 in Nova Scotia on Tuesday morning in support of the anti-pipeline protests in B.C. Reynold Gregor/Global News

Supporters in Nova Scotia blocked a portion of Highway 102 on Tuesday morning to demonstrate solidarity with anti-pipeline protests in British Columbia.

The Real News
Solidarity protests erupt across Canada while Justin Trudeau faces hostile questions about indigenous rights in British Columbia

January 11, 2019

[Video at link]

Solidarity protests erupt across Canada while Justin Trudeau faces hostile questions about indigenous rights in British Columbia

DIMITRI LASCARIS: This is Dimitri Lascaris reporting for The Real News Network from Montreal, Canada.

CBC News
One of the convoys left from the Mohawk Nation at Akwesasne early Friday morning, with hopes of reaching the Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory near Belleville, Ont. (Jorge Barrera/CBC)
First Nations Leaders

News Release

January 10, 2019


UBCIC Statement of Clarity in Response to Premier Horgan’s Comments on Unist’ot’en


Jorge Barrera

Jan. 10, 2019

National Energy Board looking at whether proposed project should be under federal jurisdiction

CBC staff

Hereditary chiefs expected to give update on talks with RCMP when media reach camp

Jan 09, 2019

RCMP have opened their roadblock on a remote forest road in northern B.C., allowing access to a camp that has been the focal point of a First Nations protest against a proposed natural gas pipeline, about 300 kilometres west of Prince George. 


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