Oil - Pipelines

Joanna Smith

But the prime minister said that can’t mean abandoning the oil and gas sector — including plans to build more pipelines.

VANCOUVER—Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wants Canada to play a lead role in the global fight against climate change, but said that cannot mean abandoning the oil and gas sector — including plans to build more pipelines.


The Quebec government has raised the regional tensions ahead of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s climate summit set to begin Wednesday by requesting an injunction against the controversial Energy East pipeline.

Quebec is asking the court to force TransCanada Corp. to comply with provincial law and submit the Energy East project for a provincial environmental assessment. Provincial Environment Minister David Heurtel said the government is not signalling its intention to block the pipeline, but merely insisting that TransCanada follow provincial law.

BROKE - Burnaby Residents Opposing Kinder Morgan Expansion

(Please forward this as widely as possible)


[Webpage editor's note: The proposed Energy East pipeline would terminate at the Irving refinery and export terminal in St John, New Brunswick. Just one telling tidbit from this article: Property taxes on the Irving's oil-by-rail terminal are half those of the Tim Horton's across the street.]


The Irvings run New Brunswick like a hermit kingdom. But as the Energy East pipeline catapults the family onto the national stage, the timing is awkward. Now even the Irvings aren’t talking to the Irvings,



Canada’s oil sands sector represents a crucial global supply to meet future crude demand, but only if producers can simultaneously drive down costs and slash greenhouse-gas emissions, the head of the influential International Energy Agency said Thursday.

Justine Hunter

Feb. 21, 2016  - For a time, it looked as if the B.C. Liberal government’s political challenge with the Northern Gateway pipeline project would be removed with the federal government’s promised ban on oil tankers off British Columbia’s north coast.

Like a persistent stain, however, Northern Gateway is back on B.C. Environment Minister Mary Polak’s desk for a decision.

Ross Belot

We saw the delegates hugging each other as they walked out of the COP21 climate change talks in Paris back in December — but we had no idea what the agreement they reached meant for Canada.

Now we do. And it turns out Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall was quite right to be anxious about the future of our fossil fuel industry and Alberta Premier Rachel Notley may have been quite wrong in her assertion that Alberta will prosper — if she was talking about the oil and gas industry, at any rate.

Eric Ruder
Tar sands - Canada's carbon bomb [Photo: Peter Blanchard/Flickr].

The dramatic crash in the price of oil is rewiring the circuits of global capitalism by creating enormous volatility in the world's stock exchanges, hammering banks that made billions of dollars in loans to energy firms, and ravaging the budgets of the world's largest oil-producing countries. Today, oil is trading at around $30 a barrel – roughly 75 per cent below its price of $114 a barrel in the summer of 2014 – that is, a year and a half ago. The collapse has been as sharp as it has been sudden, confounding economic analysts, energy producers and global financial centers.

Jennifer Moreau
These three chanted "let us in" when the NEB rejected BROKE's motion to open the hearings to the public.   Photograph By Jennifer Moreau

Burnaby residents could “suffer extreme consequences” if a major earthquake were to hit the Kinder Morgan pipeline and tank farm, according to a group of local citizens against the pipeline expansion.

Burnaby Residents Opposing Kinder Morgan Expansion (BROKE) presented its final argument to the three-person National Energy Board panel on Thursday, at the Delta Burnaby Hotel and Conference Centre. 

“A major earthquake in this region is not a remote possibility,” said BROKE’s lawyer Neil Chantler. “It’s not a question of if, but when.”


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