
Andrew Kurjata
Construction at the Site C dam project in northern B.C. (BC Hydro/Contributed )

Jul 17, 2020

Worker came from Alberta is being cared for in camp

BC Hydro says one of its workers at the Site C work camp in Fort St. John has tested positive for COVID-19.

The worker arrived from Alberta on July 13 and received positive test results from Alberta Health on July 15.

A second test was conducted by B.C.'s Northern Health Authority, confirming the positive results.

Alicia Adamczyk

Jul 14 2020

Full-time minimum wage workers cannot afford a two-bedroom rental anywhere in the U.S. and cannot afford a one-bedroom rental in 95% of U.S. counties, according to the National Low Income Housing Coalition’s annual “Out of Reach” report

Energy Democracy Coordinating Committee DSA - San Diego

[. . . the DSA has been campaigning for some months to get the city to take over the San Diego Gas & Electric (SDGE) utilities and have it managed by a democratically elected board. Unlike Canada, US cities can do this sort of thing without getting approval from the next higher level of government, i.e. the state there, the province here. Gene McGuckin]


Dear Council President Gomez and members of San Diego City Council,

Ainslie Cruickshank
A report from the International Institute for Sustainable Development says federal funding should support skills training for green industries. Photo: Stephen Yang, The Solutions Project / Flickr

Jul 7, 2020

New report from Canada’s leading environmental groups lays out a roadmap for recovery that ties federal support to emissions reductions, prioritizes worker training and addresses longstanding inequalities

More than a dozen environmental organizations in Canada are calling on the federal government to attach “green strings” to its economic recovery measures that prioritize both workers and efforts to address the climate crisis.

Elliot Rossiter
Uber in street scape

July 10, 2020

On June 22, New Westminster City Council approved the city’s participation in an inter-municipal business licence for ride-hailing agencies to operate in the region.

Emily Holden
 Environmental advocates say investing billions in an industry that is polluting the planet and causing the climate crisis is short-sighted and a bad use of public money. Photograph: Brian Snyder/Reuters

7 Jul 2020

Businesses include oil and gas drillers and coal mine operators, an analysis by Documented and the Guardian finds

More than 5,600 companies in the fossil fuel industry have taken a minimum of $3bn in coronavirus aid from the US federal government, according to an analysis by Documented and the Guardian of newly released data.

The businesses include oil and gas drillers and coal mine operators, as well as refiners, pipeline companies and firms that provide services to the industry.


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