
Rex Weyler
Steven Donziger, attorney for Ecuador's Frente de Defensa de la Amazonía, at one of Chevron’s abandoned oil wells in 2017. Donziger won the historic lawsuit against Chevron in 2011. He is now under home detention in New York. Photo by Lisa Gibbons.

July 31st 2020

Last September, I travelled from Western Canada to New York City to see human rights lawyer Steven Donziger. Donziger cannot travel. He cannot even stroll the hallway of his Upper West Side apartment building on 104th Street without special court permission. He remains under house arrest, wearing an ankle bracelet.

David Fairey and Kaitlyn Matulewicz
Close to 60 per cent of workers in Canada don’t currently have paid sick days. Photo by Mike Graeme, submitted.

We can’t settle for temporary, overly bureaucratic solutions. Workers need reassurance now.

July 21, 2020

Richard D. Wolff
©  Getty Images / pidjoe

21 Jul, 2020

The current global crisis triggered by Covid-19 is the third capitalist crash in this century. And governments’ incapacity to consider non-capitalist solutions threatens to keep deepening this crisis into capitalism’s worst.

Cooperative and Policy Alternative Center & South African Food Sovereignty Campaign

As an example of a broad unity campaign, check out the Climate Justice Charter that has been developed by militants in South Africa; it is particular to their terrain:

David Macdonald
Could investments to tackle our climate emergency be deployed as quickly as the financial aid to help cushion COVID-19's economic destruction? Photo by Shutterstock

July 29th 2020

In any discussion of a transition to a zero carbon economy, the question of how we pay for it always arises. For example, while the private sector, businesses and households will often save big from the adoption of more efficient technologies, someone has to pay the upfront investments.

Rochelle Baker
Substance use peer advocates like Jack Phillips of Victoria's Solid Outreach want people's access to safer drugs to be more immediate and varied in order to stall the climb of opioid overdose deaths. Photo: Courtesy Jack Phillips

July 16th 2020

B.C. recorded its deadliest month ever for illicit drug overdoses as fatalities from increasingly toxic street drugs continue to spike during the pandemic.

In June, 175 people died from illicit drug overdoses across the province, up from the previous record high of 171 fatalities set in May, the BC Coroners Service reported Thursday.

Carl Meyer

July 16th 2020

British Columbia Premier John Horgan took credit Thursday for pushing the rest of the country to endorse a new $1.1-billion federally funded paid sick leave program to help Canadians avoid spreading COVID-19 at their jobs.

A $19-billion “safe restart agreement” has been reached with the provinces and territories, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced earlier in the day, meant to fund efforts to combat the coronavirus pandemic for the next six to eight months.

Carl Meyer

July 16th 2020

British Columbia Premier John Horgan took credit Thursday for pushing the rest of the country to endorse a new $1.1-billion federally funded paid sick leave program to help Canadians avoid spreading COVID-19 at their jobs.

A $19-billion “safe restart agreement” has been reached with the provinces and territories, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced earlier in the day, meant to fund efforts to combat the coronavirus pandemic for the next six to eight months.


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